Pop-Up Reminder and Pumpkin Parade
Mrs. Darling’s Imaginarium takes over the Pop-Up Shop
This weekend 1948 Danforth will be transformed into Mrs. Darlings Imaginarium for Girls and Boys – A place to play with art and discover the art of play. There are drop-in studio times both Saturday and Sunday mornings (9 a.m. until noon) and facilitated classes in the afternoons (1 p.m. until 6 p.m.) ideal for the 4-14 year olds. For the detailed schedule of activities this weekend and to register for classes, check out Mrs.Darling’s website.
Pumpkin Parade 2012
It’s baaaaaack! The third annual DECA Pumpkin Parade in East Lynn Park. Bring your jack-o-lantern to the park next Thursday, November 1, and be part of the most magical night of the year in our neighbourhood. Don’t forget to BYOC (bring your own candle!) Fun begins at 6:30 p.m.
Pumpkin Parade
The 2nd annual DECA Pumpkin Parade is Tuesday, November 1st from 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Bring your pumpkins and bask in the spooooooky glow. Want to see more? Check out the pictures from last year’s event here.
Want to help out? We need three people to help after the parade at 9:30 p.m. to move the pumpkins into the pool area and get them ready for the fantastic folks from the City of Toronto to pick them up the next morning. If you can spare 30 minutes or so, contact Anita at anita.aks(at)gmail.com
What’s scarier – politicians or pumpkins?
Ward 32 Debate – Tuesday
The hottest ticket in town is brought to you by your friends at DECA. Tuesday night at 7 p.m. be at the Kimbourne Park United Church at 200 Wolverleigh Blvd. (East of Coxwell, two blocks north of Danforth) for the last Ward 32 debate. See all the jibs, jabs and jellyfish – and see the debate too. Hosted by the Globe and Mail’s Jeff Gray, it promises to be fun for all ages. Pay attention to the parking signs o.k.? O.k.
Halloween – Boo!

I hope you’ve started your planning for your Jack-O-Extravaganza because this year, there is more at stake than just kids passing by your pumpkin looking for candy. This year, you’ve got to get your carved pumpkin over to East Lynn Park on November 1st for the DECA Pumpkin Parade. We’re going to line the path with pumpkins, light them up and bask in the spoooooky glow. The fabulous Heather Bean is putting the whole thing together and she could use a few extra hands that night. Can you help? Let me know.
It’s My Party – Halloween Store
It’s My Party – the party store further west on the Danforth has opened a temporary Halloween clearance shop at 2206 Danforth near the Honda dealership. They’ve got costumes and decorations and sales galore. Also, I’m guessing, lots of gore.
Hot Neighbourhood
Today’s Globe and Mail includes Danforth (Village/Mosaic/East?) as one of it’s Five On The Rise Hot Neighbourhoods. The writer notes that one of the positive ‘harbingers of change’ for this neighbourhood is that a Sunset Grill has opened up here. I guess change is slow.
Pumpkin Parade

We’re having a parade! A pumpkin parade. On the day after halloween, bring your jack-o-laterns to East Lynn Park where we will line and light them along the path. Then marvel in the orange glow. (The photo above is from a pumpkin parade in Sorauren Park in the west end.) Heather Bean is organizing this very cool event and she could use some help on the night of the parade (Monday, November 1st) to help light and arrange the pumpkins. Can you help? Let Heather know at hbbean@gmail.com
Pre-natal Yoga
If you are interested in some pre-natal yoga, Amanda Montgomery (Remember the Simply By Amanda soaps?) teaches it in her home. To find out more, contact her at amanda@simplybyamanda.com.