Today’s Globe and Mail includes Danforth (Village/Mosaic/East?) as one of it’s Five On The Rise Hot Neighbourhoods. The writer notes that one of the positive ‘harbingers of change’ for this neighbourhood is that a Sunset Grill has opened up here. I guess change is slow.
Pumpkin Parade

We’re having a parade! A pumpkin parade. On the day after halloween, bring your jack-o-laterns to East Lynn Park where we will line and light them along the path. Then marvel in the orange glow. (The photo above is from a pumpkin parade in Sorauren Park in the west end.) Heather Bean is organizing this very cool event and she could use some help on the night of the parade (Monday, November 1st) to help light and arrange the pumpkins. Can you help? Let Heather know at
Pre-natal Yoga
If you are interested in some pre-natal yoga, Amanda Montgomery (Remember the Simply By Amanda soaps?) teaches it in her home. To find out more, contact her at
Ha!Ha! As 11 year residents of this “hot” neighbourhood we had a chuckle about the arrival of Sunset Grill on our strip! Too bad they didn’t consult more locals about what were the true harbingers of change – including DECA’s and the Danforth Mosaic’s tremendous efforts to bring this community together! And for those that are missing Starbucks, how about supporting Three’s Company Too (just east of the Greenwood station) that has a fabulous ambiance, great coffee and unbelievable sweets! Forget about chains, support local businesses! And I don’t about all the schools in the area, but it’s pretty obvious as well that the columnist didn’t actually go to our fabulous local schools to understand all of the amazing things our kids and teachers are doing! (he probably just checked out the EQAO results….as always, a very BAD indicator of the quality of our schools) Go Danforth Village!
I think the article is wonderful! I’m thrilled by it. While some of the nitty gritty is incorrect, I don’t think that matters at all. For once a reporter was able to look past the occasionally shabby appearance of our tremendous little community and recognize its laid-back, open and friendly nature, not to mention the breadth of what we offer. Bravo Globe & Mail!
But seriously what is it about the flipping Starbucks? It can’t be the coffee, is it the Venti Effect that property values rise when a Starbucks arrives? Is it the desire to drink coffee after 5 pm?
We are a great neighbourhood I just think this article missed a lot and highlighted some weird stuff.
the best bakery is North Pole Bakery!