If you would like to get involved in your community, meet some cool people and have some fun, this is the news for you! Herewith a call for volunteers and some ‘what’s happening’ information on a number of fronts.
Farmers Market
One of the wonderful things about the East Lynn Farmers’ Market is that it is more than a row of vegetable stalls, it’s an event every week. We like to have music and face painting/children’s activities every week and we like to host special events. Our market has always been about community – a way to bring neighbours together, increase foot traffic on the Danforth and strengthen the fabric of our neighbourhood. If you have an idea for an event or activity at the Farmers’ Market, we’d like to hear about it. We’ve had square dancing, unicycling, music of all kinds, theatre, storytelling, paper-making, movies, food demos, corn-shucking contests. If you would like to help organize an event, please contact Catherine at catherine_porter(at)rogers.com. Also contact Catherine if you would like to cook for the farmers this year. If you are able to spare a few hours on a Thursday afternoon at the DECA tent being an all around helpful person, let her know that too.
Art of the Danforth 2012
The absolutely fabulous Art of the Danforth will be back in all it’s glory in…2012! And Cindy sent me the note below to tell you a bit about what is in the works and how you can get involved. And let me tell you – you want to meet interesting people in your neighbourhood – this group is the place to start.
Art of the Danforth is returning in May 2012 and we have some stuff to tell you!
In short….
· We are now accepting applications from artists to fill three curatorial roles, as well as for initial project proposals for the 2012 event. Deadline: May 31. Full details at www.artofthedanforth.com or email info@eastdanforthcreative.com
· We are recruiting volunteers, especially those interested in taking on ongoing, important roles over the next year.
· We are holding our first community meeting on Thursday, May 12 2011, 7 pm – 8:30 pm at LucSculpture Studio & Schools, 663 Greenwood (just north of Danforth). All are invited! RSVP to info@eastdanforthcreative.com
And now, the juicy details….
The Event
Art of the Danforth is a large scale multi-disciplinary art event held along Danforth between Greenwood & Woodbine. Established in 2010, the first AoD broke new ground in bringing together artists & members of the community together in creative collaboration. The next Art of the Danforth will be held May 1 – 31, 2012. The goals of the AoD 2012 are to:
· Bring community members together through the creation of art
· Increase the sense of history and engagement in the community
· Explore the aesthetic possibilities of urban space
· Increase pedestrian traffic down Danforth between Donlands & Woodbine
AoD 2012 is inclusive and open to all forms of artistic practice. Free public exhibitions of art, site specfic installations and the popular Art in Stores program will run all month long, May 1 to May 31st. In addition, performance (music, dance, theatre) activities will be presented on the weekends. Finally, community workshops will be held leading up to and during the festival, allowing community members to participate in the creation of visual art exhibits and performances.
AoD 2012 is public and aims to transform as much public space as possible into venue for creativity. Please see our website for a preliminary list of potential spaces: www.artofthedanforth.com
Curatorial Proposal Submissions
Deadline: May 31, 2011
We are currently accepting proposals for curators to present exhibitions in one of three regions within the event boundaries. See website for zone descriptions. Curators will be requested to address one or all of the goals of the event. Preference will be given to proposals which involve local community involvement and use of existing resources. Whimsy is encouraged. Each curator / curatorial team will be given a budget of up to $3000 (including honorarium), to commission the creation of 4 – 8 public art projects that will stay up for the duration of the month of May 2012. Projects in all media are encouraged, with particular emphasis given to works that involve community interaction and revitalize the neighbourhood. At least 1 project must involve the input of community members.
To apply, please complete and submit the application, available online at www.artofthedanforth.com. For more information email info@eastdanforthcreative.com
Project Proposals – Initial Call
Deadline: May 31, 2011
Art of the Danforth is currently accepting proposals from artists and art groups for visual art exhibits or installations, performing arts and community workshops series that will result in a visual art piece or performance for exhibition, for inclusion in the Art of the Danforth 2012. Examples of projects and available locations are available online. Both new and pre-existing work will be accepted. Preference will be given to works that either involve the community or engage public space. Approved new work may be eligible for some funding.
To apply, please complete and submit the application, available online at www.artofthedanforth.com. For more information email info@eastdanforthcreative.com
Volunteers Needed
We also are on the hunt for dedicated volunteers to take on major roles of responsibility for the next event. In particular, we are seeking community-oriented individuals to fill the following major event roles:
· Interactive Coordinator: responsible for envisioning & implementing social media outreach, i.e. updating facebook, twitter & website updates (wordpress)
· Music/performance Coordinator: to help coordinate a world music showcase in East Lynn park.
· Social Coordinator (i.e. “the party person”): responsible for planning & organizing entertaining activities to help us build community and balance our work with fun (not that we’re not fun already, of course)
We also need volunteers to team up with our planning committee to help with: neighborhood outreach and promotional. If interested in any of the above, email info@eastdanforthcreative.com, visit our website, or come to our community meeting on May 12. And speaking of….
Community Meeting Thursday May 12
Interested in Art of the Danforth 2012? Thinking of volunteering or submitting a project but want to meet the event team first ? Come out and chat with us at our first AoD community meeting:
Date & Time: Thursday, May 12th from 7 – 8:30 pm.
Location: LucSculpture Studio & Schools, 663 Greenwood Avenue (just north of Danforth)
Business Improvement Association Fun Fair
The Danforth Mosaic BIA will be hosting a fun fair on June 11 and 12 in East Lynn Park. There will be inflatable things and games and many other fun activities. They’re looking for volunteers to help out with all of those activities and more. If you would like to know more or to kindly offer your services, contact the Chair, Litsa at litsakosta(at)gmail.com.