Engaging your Local Councillor
Unless you are living under a rock, chances are that you are more aware of municipal politics than ever before. Municipal politics are about more than just the headlines on the evening news. It matters to us to know what is happening in our neighbourhood, and who better to hear it from than our elected officials?
If you haven’t done so, contact your local Councillor and ask them to add you to their email list, so that you get all their news and updates. Consider signing up for more than one email newsletter!
Here are the email contacts and websites for the four Councillors in DECA’s borders:
Mary Fragedakis, Ward 29: councillor_fragedakis@toronto.ca
Paula Fletcher, Ward 30: councillor_fletcher@toronto.ca
Janet Davis, Ward 31: councillor_davis@toronto.ca
Mary-Margaret McMahon, Ward 32: councillor_mcmahon@toronto.ca
If you don’t know which Ward you live in, click here to search by address.
Here are three events that Councillor Davis talked about in her recent newsletter:
What’s Happening in the Ravine? November 4, 2013 @ 7:00pm
The residents of Ward 31 are privileged to have excellent access to the ravines in the Don River watershed. Our Taylor Creek and ET Seaton Parks have some of the most popular recreational trails and unspoiled natural features in the City. But the ravines also contain some of the largest and oldest sewer infrastructure and most polluted water in the GTA . Our ravines are busy places that contain important infrastructure that thousands rely on every day.
Many people contact our office regularly to find out “what’s happening in the ravine.” Whether it’s construction noise or storm damage; smelly outfalls or discoloured water; bank erosion or closed washrooms, broken stairs or litter, muddy paths or damaged bridges, I know you and thousands of others care deeply about this special green oasis.
I have invited staff from City Parks, Water, and Transportation (cycling) departments and Toronto Region Conservation Authority to share information and answer your questions about City initiatives underway or planned in the parks and ravines of Taylor Massey Creeks, East Don and Don River. Whether you live on a ravine property or simply enjoy walking your dog here, I hope you can join us to learn more about:
What’s Happening In the Ravine?
Monday, November 4, 2013
7:00 p.m.
Presteign-Woodbine United Church
16 Presteign Avenue
Child Care Parent Summit – Register on November 4 to Participate
Recent media stories about the shortage, cost and quality of child care have highlighted the persistent problems facing parents in Toronto. Almost 75% of women are working; yet only 25% of their children are in regulated, inspected child care arrangements. Many parents are forced to use care of questionable quality, while others make trade-offs like shift work and a patchwork of arrangements with family and friends. Others simply give up.
Child care can cost the same as a mortgage or use up an entire second income. Fees for an infant or toddler can be as high as $25,000 per year. Over 19,000 low and moderate income families in Toronto are eligible for financial support for their child care; but they sometimes wait years to find a space and get a subsidy.
Toronto’s economic future depends on a workforce ready and able to contribute; and adequate affordable child care is a pre-requisite for any workforce development strategy. And, of course, our children deserve and need good quality care to succeed in school and life.
The challenges for parents to find and pay for child care is not new – but we want to hear from you! This year Council supported my motion to hold a Parent Summit. We want to find new ways to hear what parents need and want for their children in early childhood education and care. Please pencil in these dates and places. Registration opens Monday, November 4 at www.toronto.ca/parentsummit. Hope you can make it.
Thursday, November 21st, 2013: North and South Summits
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
North Summit Location: North York Civic Centre, 5100 Yonge Street
South Summit Location: Central YMCA, 20 Grosvenor St.
Saturday, November 23rd, 2013: East and West Summits
9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
East Summit Location: Chinese Cultural Centre, 5183 Sheppard Ave. East
West Summit Location: Etobicoke Civic Centre, 399 The West Mall
Ward 31 Budget Consultation – November 27
Save the date! Councillor Janet Davis’ Ward 31 Budget Consultation will be on Wednesday, November 27, 7:00 p.m. at the Stan Wadlow Clubhouse, 373 Cedarvale Avenue. Please join me to get information and share your priorities for the proposed 2014 City budget.