Reminder: tonight is the official community consultation meeting regarding the development at Danforth and Woodbine. Attending the meeting will be: Councillor Bussin, representatives for the developer and City of Toronto Planner, Tine Major,
Wednesday, March 3, 2010 – 7 – 9 p.m.
Terry Fox Community Centre, 2 Gledhill Ave.
For more information, contact Councillor Sandra Bussin’s office at 416-392-1376 or
Below is the letter that DECA sent to Councillor Bussin regarding this development as a result of DECA’s community meeting and discussions on the blog.
Councillor Bussin,
Thank you for participating in the Danforth East Community Association’s meeting regarding the proposed re-zoning of the site at Woodbine and Danforth.
Residents in this community are intensely interested in developments along the Danforth. In fact, DECA has taken the unusual step of forming a Business Revitalization Team that provides professional consultation and expertise to help local businesses with everything from graphic and store design to marketing and retailing guidance. In the case of this development, residents are particularly interested in seeing a viable, beautiful, dynamic building because since the horrific fire in 2001, this address has been a blight on our neighbourhood.
There is no doubt; a building of this size is out of character with the existing streetscape. As such, DECA respectfully requests that the interests of the wider community be given serious consideration and that DECA be consulted on an ongoing basis throughout the process.
The taller the building the greater the impact on our neighbourhood; notwithstanding any discord there may be about the height of the building, there are a number of areas where the community is wholly in agreement:
- A quality retail space with high ceilings and extensive windows to attract high end tenants
- An increased parking ratio especially regarding visitor parking and ensuring new parking for retail shops
- Building to the City of Toronto’s Green Standards and consultation with DECA’s Green Committee regarding native trees, bicycle parking, a green roof and sustainable energy practices
- The ability for local artists to use the retail space at no cost until leasing is complete
- Attention to façade detail in the podium to ensure consistency with the existing three and four floor commercial strip
- A unique top to the building, perhaps using LED lighting on the Danforth side
- Consultation with DECA regarding Section 37 funding projects
We look forward to working with your office, the City planning department and the developer on this project.