Many of you know that DECA’s vice-chair, Catherine Porter, is a columnist at the Toronto Star. Last week she returned from Haiti where she spent twelve hours a day talking to those who are left behind after the earthquake. She wrote about some of those stories for the paper, but there are only so many column inches and many stories were left untold.
Catherine has agreed to share some of her experiences on the ground in Haiti with the rest of us. I spent some time with her this weekend and believe me, you won’t want to miss the opportunity to hear her talk about what is happening there right now and what it’s like to cover this story.
When: Wednesday, February 10, 8 p.m.
Where: Danforth Mennonite Church – 2174 Danforth Ave.
Admission: Free (Donations welcome to the Team Canada Healing Hands)
RSVP: Mary Margaret McMahon –