Market this week: PRIDE @ the Market

Pride at the Market is this Thursday (June 30)

Pride @ the Market

For the first time ever, DECA is celebrating Pride at the East Lynn Farmers’ Market this week, led by our newest group, DECA Pride.

A rainbow-themed market works so well because so many colourful fruits and veggies are making their appearance at this time of year, along with increasing numbers of farmers’ stalls each week.

And for all of your Pride/Canada weekend fun, you can also buy wine (from Niagara’s Rancourt Winery this week) cheese, baked goods and other delicious things.

Here’s the fun in store this week: 

  • pride-inspired crafts courtesy of Silly Goose Kids from 4:00-5:30pm, AND with Toronto Tool Library Kids (TTL Kids) from 5:30-7:00pm
  • pride giveaways courtesy of TD Bank (limited supply)
  • facepainting from 4:00-6:30pm
  • wading pool fun (Parks has said that they will make sure to open the pool that day!)
  • in our wellness booth, Elevated Health Associates bring us FREE chair massage and reflexology PLUS discounts on foam rollers and Natural Calm products

Happy Pride & looking forward to seeing you on Thursday!

If you would like to join the DECA Pride email list, click here to drop us a line.

Thanks to Angela Wagner/Umlaut Design for the poster. 


Silly Goose Kids' annual pride window! 2054 Danforth Ave
Silly Goose Kids’ annual pride window! 2054 Danforth Ave

Market Help Needed

Market volunteers are still needed, especially for tear down help at 6:45pm each week. Please send an email if you can help. Perfect for a high school student looking for hours or any other kind soul(s) who can be available.


The East Lynn Farmers’ Market runs every Thursday from 3-7:00 p.m. between June 2 – October 13 at East Lynn Park, located on the south side of Danforth Ave, just west of Woodbine Ave. Stay up to date by visiting the East Lynn Market Facebook page or by following us on Twitter.

The market this week: celebrating sunshine and summer

Three sure signs of summer: 1) the scorching 30 degree + temperature on Monday (coincidentally the first official day of summer), 2) school lets out this week and 3) our amazing East Lynn Park Farmers’ Market on Thursdays from 3-7:00 p.m.


If you haven’t yet made it out to the market, this is the week to go! Here is a line-up of things to see and do:

  • PlayFit for Kids: Oaks ‘n Acorns and CareerFit Mom are joining forces at the market!  They’ll be running PlayFit activities for families including obstacle courses, parachute play, and games to get your heart pumping and happy endorphins flying! This activity kicks off at 4:30 p.m.
  • Origin Wellness: Enjoy a complimentary chair massage and chat with a naturopathic doctor from Origin Wellness between 3:00 and 6:00 p.m. Meet Karen Seymour, RMT and Sarah Grammaticos, ND, to discover how they can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • DesignNook Crafts: Kids can join the talented team from DesignNook between 4:00 and 6:30 p.m. to create some crafts to officially kick-off summer!

And we be remiss if we didn’t mention the final showdown that is expected at the market this week. The Table Tennis for Tuition ping pong tournament, a fundraiser for a joint DECA and Scadding Court Community Centre student scholarship, wraps up this week.  We have already awarded the first recipient of the scholarship to Chantelle. You can read more about her in a previous DECA Diaries post or come meet her in person at the tournament this week. The final match will be played around 6:00 p.m. and the fun continues until we’ve crowned our DECA champions. It’ll be a great night so come cheer on the finalists. Donations to the scholarship fund are also welcomed.  Check out some of action shots of players over the weeks below courtesy of Stephen Caissie.


Finally, mark your calendar for next week as DECA celebrates PRIDE at the Market on June 30th. In addition to all the usual market fun, Silly Goose Kids will be leading a Pride-themed craft. Hope you can join us! Learn more about DECA Pride at and watch for details in next week’s blog post.

See you at the market!

Action shots courtesy of
Action shots courtesy of
Action shots courtesy of
Action shots courtesy of
Action shots courtesy of
Action shots courtesy of
Action shots courtesy of
Action shots courtesy of

It’s Harvestfest at the East Lynn Farmers’ Market!

With only two weeks left, the market season is winding down. But it won’t be gone until we celebrate the harvest season with the our neighbours and the farmers. Harvestfest is happening this Thursday. Check out the poster for all the details!


The East Lynn Farmers’ Market runs every Thursday from 3-7:00 p.m. between June 4 – October 15 at East Lynn Park, located on the south side of Danforth Ave, just west of Woodbine Ave. Stay up to date by visiting the East Lynn Market Facebook page or by following us on Twitter.

Festival of Lights wants YOU! Volunteer mtng Oct. 5

Volunteer Meeting Monday, Oct. 5

Remember last year’s amazing Festival of Lights? We packed what seemed like most of the hood into East Lynn Park for a fantastic night of entertainment and lit up the park’s trees.

Zero Gravity Circus Fire Artist wowing the crowds.
Zero Gravity Circus Fire Artist wowing the crowds at last year’s festival.

Our fabulous Fesitival lead, Angela, is back but needs our help to make this year’s event better than ever. You can sign up for a little or a lot–there’s something for whatever amount of time you can spare. Hang some posters, string some lights, hand out some treats.

Angela is holding the one and only meeting at her place this coming Monday, Oct. 5, 8 pm. RSVP to at and she’ll send you the location info. Can’t make the meeting? No problem. Just pick a job from below and claim it by emailing us at  Details below courtesy of Angela (who is both efficient like that AND understands that your time is precious).

Lighting Lead: Time Commitment Approx. 10 hours max.

  • Attend October 5 meeting to plan the event.
  • Work with DECA to secure a team of approx. 10 volunteers to put up holiday lights prior to the event on one weekend in November. It will require a rain date in case of poor weather.
  • Attend and manage the light installation on both ends of the park. Approx. 4 hours.
  • In the Spring (i.e end of April or early May) work with DECA to secure a team of approx. 10 volunteers to take down the lights and store them in the shed. Approx. 2 hours.

*If anyone is interested in volunteering for the light installation only, you can sign-up now. We need 10 volunteers.

Food Collection & Distribution Lead: Time Commitment Approx. 10 hours max.

  • Attend October 5 meeting to plan the event.
  • Work with food vendors. Approx. 1 hour
  • Pick-up supplies. Approx. 1 hour
  • Work with DECA to secure a team of approx. 12 volunteers to set-up and distribute food on the day of the event. It will be 3 volunteers x 2 tents x 2 hours. Each team will be able to sign-up for an hour or two hours to serve.
  • Set-up and tear down at the event. Attend and manage the light installation on both ends of the park. Approx. 4 hours.

Poster Hanging: Time Commitment Approx. 2 to 3 hours

  • Pick-up approx. 100+ posters and hang them up in stores, parks etc. across the neighbourhood between Monarch and Main in mid-November.
  • Coordinate poster hanging helpers (unless you want to do it yourself–think of the exercise opportunity!)

Entertainment Lead: Time Commitment Approx. 6 hours

  • Attend October 5 meeting to plan the event.
  • Talent has already been booked. On the day of the event you will be the key onsite contact to meet talent and provide directions as required. You will be responsible to ensure talent has whatever they require to perform and that entertainment flows smoothly. Approx. 4 hours.

November 28th (the big day!) – Set-up and Tear Down & Servers

  • 2 hours (1 pm to 3 pm) x 6 volunteers – Set-up three tents (2 food/drink and 1 DECA), includes tables, banners and lights.
  • 2 hours (6 pm to 8 pm) x 6 volunteers – Tear down three tents and accessories. Do a park clean-up.
  • 1 or 2 hour shifts for food/drink servers – 3 volunteers x 2 tents x 2 hours = 12 people
  • 10 volunteers for 1 to 2 hour shifts over a 4 hour period to hand lights in November.

7 Reasons to Visit the Danforth East Community Arts Fair (#DECAF15)

7 Reasons to Visit #DECAF15 THIS Weekend

Caption: There are more reasons than ever to head to East Lynn Park on Sept. 19-20 for #DECAF15!
Caption: There are more reasons than ever to head to East Lynn Park on Sept. 19-20 for #DECAF15!

1. 7 Years, And We’re Bigger and Better Than Ever!
With more vendors, covering more artistic mediums than ever before, #DECAF15 is the best yet! Check out our new exhibitors and come by East Lynn Park from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sept. 19-20 and support some old favourites. More info here

2. Enjoy the Benefits of Shopping Local!
Did you know that almost 75 per cent of the money you spend shopping locally stays in your community? The majority of DECAF’s artisans and exhibitors have historically hailed from the east end of Toronto, so while you’re buying something you love, you’re also supporting your neighbours and community!

3. Check Out Unique Gifts!
Looking for that one-of-a-kind wedding gift? Scoping out a baby shower gift that will be a part of the family for years to come? DECAF is a wonderful opportunity to buy something unique and handmade that your friends and family will cherish (the holidays are just around the corner)!

4. Something For Everyone!
With dozens of artisans, working in many different mediums, from fine art to sculpture, to knit pieces and paint, DECAF15 truly has something for everyone to ooh and aww over! Come check out stained glass, custom portraits, photography, jewellery, children’s items, clothing, pottery and much, much more! Check out all the exhibitors here

5. Check Out One of Toronto’s Up-and-Coming Neighbourhoods!
Not from Danforth East? #DECAF15 is a fantastic opportunity to come check out an up-and-coming, lively part of Toronto that’s attracting tons of new residents and businesses every year! Make a morning or afternoon of it, and check out some of the local scenery in addition to the fair!

6. Community Supported!
#DECAF15 is completely planned and run by community volunteers, and supported by DECA. Come by our booth, say hello, and let us know how we can make the 2016 event even better!

7. More Than Art!
Come for the art, and stay for the entertainment! #DECAF15 has a great selection of food vendors, children’s activities, musical performers, hula hoopers, live theatre, dancing, and even a puppet show!


Have we convinced you? How about a chance for some money to spend in East Lynn Park on Sept. 19-20?

CONTEST ALERT:  Keep a watch out for posters advertising #DECAF15. Take a photo of the poster and tag @deca_arts on Twitter or Instagram. You could win a gift certificate to spend at the fair! The posters are on public message boards and inside retailers in LeslievilleBeachesDanforth East and Riverdale neighbourhoods. Two prizes worth $50 each (no cash value) will be drawn at 5 p.m. ET on Wed. Sept. 16.

Spot a #DECAF15 poster, take a photo and tag it on Twitter or Instagram for a chance of win a prize!

The market this week: Hamlin’s Honey

Thursday-in-the-life’ of the honey guy

Brain Hamlin (Photo source: )
Brain Hamlin (Photo source: )

Meet Brian Hamlin. Brian has been a beekeeper for over 40 years. He knows his stuff and has a serious connection and passion for his work (although, he does not call it work). He does most of his extractions in the fall when it’s cool and the bees become dormant so his Thursdays don’t always include direct interactions with bees. There’s no set schedule to when Brian visits the five apiary sites that are strung across Toronto, including the Portlands, Toronto Island and UofT’s Scarborough.  His visits depends on the weather, the environment and Brian’s instincts.

His Thursday includes things like trips to the hardware store for screws for his tents and the print shop for labels for his honey products. He also spends much of his time raising awareness about the importance of pollinators and threats from pesticide use and habitat. So when you’re picking up your honey this week be sure to also say ‘thank you’ to Brian for all he does to protect this renewable resource.

Some of Brian's products from around Toronto
Some of Brian’s products from around Toronto.

Toronto East General Hospital will also be at the market his week with information on their upcoming redevelopment plans and tips for keeping healthy.

The East Lynn Farmers’ Market runs every Thursday from 3-7:00 p.m. between June 4 – October 15 at East Lynn Park, located on the south side of Danforth Ave, just west of Woodbine Ave. Stay up to date by visiting the East Lynn Market Facebook page or by following us on Twitter.