Thursday-in-the-life’ of the honey guy
Meet Brian Hamlin. Brian has been a beekeeper for over 40 years. He knows his stuff and has a serious connection and passion for his work (although, he does not call it work). He does most of his extractions in the fall when it’s cool and the bees become dormant so his Thursdays don’t always include direct interactions with bees. There’s no set schedule to when Brian visits the five apiary sites that are strung across Toronto, including the Portlands, Toronto Island and UofT’s Scarborough. His visits depends on the weather, the environment and Brian’s instincts.
His Thursday includes things like trips to the hardware store for screws for his tents and the print shop for labels for his honey products. He also spends much of his time raising awareness about the importance of pollinators and threats from pesticide use and habitat. So when you’re picking up your honey this week be sure to also say ‘thank you’ to Brian for all he does to protect this renewable resource.
Toronto East General Hospital will also be at the market his week with information on their upcoming redevelopment plans and tips for keeping healthy.
The East Lynn Farmers’ Market runs every Thursday from 3-7:00 p.m. between June 4 – October 15 at East Lynn Park, located on the south side of Danforth Ave, just west of Woodbine Ave. Stay up to date by visiting the East Lynn Market Facebook page or by following us on Twitter.