Volunteers needed – Gledhill Breakfast Club

Please read this message from Karen Ingham, Gledhill Breakfast Club Co-ordinator. This is such an important program for our community – hope you can help! 


We have been overwhelmed by the financial support the Gledhill Community has offered this year. From proceeds from the movie night to a portion of sales of tickets to the Marlies. Go Gledhill!

However, the program needs are a combination of financial requirements and volunteers. We have had a substantial drop in volunteers over the last month. We need some more volunteers and I know there are some of you out there that can help this program continue.

We need one or two people to help clean up Tuesdays and Thursdays after breakfast. Working with one or two of the breakfast time volunteers, you can be out the door and off to the rest of your day by about 9:00 or 9:10. Come in after the second bell, help wipe tables and wash dishes (we even have a dishwasher), and be on your way, knowing you have helped with something good.

We also need a couple of more volunteers to help with breakfast prep and serve. You would start at 7:30, start putting away food at 8:40, and either help clean up or be on your way if we have clean-up crews.

These days we are often down to one person completing the whole morning routine. This is a huge concern, from an efficiency point of view to a safety point of view. The kids are great but really, we are outnumbered (in a good way). The concern is that if we don’t have more volunteers we will have to make some hard decisions, whether it is cutting back or cutting out the Breakfast Club. Please don’t let that happen.

If you can help, or know someone who can, please email me, kingham.gledhill@gmail.com. You have to have a current police check and be willing to pitch in and do whatever needs to be done to keep this going.

Karen Ingham, Breakfast Club Co-ordinator

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