The Toronto East General Hospital is big. Over the years it has expanded by way of new buildings and additions. Some of those buildings don’t quite line up – so in some cases you have to go down to up or go east to go west. And it’s old. And you know how old buildings can be. The heating and cooling and plumbing and electrical can get a bit tricky – to say the least.
The good news is there is a grand plan afoot to completely redevelop the hospital. The bad news is it will take a few years to get shovels in the ground and a few more years before the new building is up and the old building is down. However during the entire process the hospital will continue to provide 100% of its services.
A community hospital like TEGH isn’t particularly sexy like say, a world-renowned children’s hospital. It doesn’t evoke the kind of philanthropy that you might find at a downtown cancer centre. But babies are born there. Grandparents spend their last days there. Hearts are fixed. So are broken bones and broken minds. And it’s ours.
TEGH would like your input about what the new hospital will be. What will the green space look like? Is there room for beauty and art? What colour should the walls be? How should the waiting rooms be designed?
The TEGH CEO and Director of Pharmacy and Emergency, as well as the project architect met with the DECA executive committee last month to introduce us to the plan. It’s ambitious and is trying to take into account the community in which it is set. Now they would like you to come and hear more about the plan and provide your two cents.
Monday, November 22nd at 6:30 p.m. at the Toronto East General Hospital (Coxwell and Mortimer) in the E2 Lecture Theatre. www.tegh.on.ca
I just hope they keep the same great staff. Every time I’ve had to go to that hospital, I’ve been so impressed by the people who work there.
I just had a look at the site plans, and it appears as though the original building fronting onto Coxwell is going to be torn down. I can’t tell if it’s a full tear down or just a partial, but either way that’s quite sad. It’s a beautiful buidling, and comparing its architecture to all of the surrounding TEGH buildings, certainly the nicest one. Yes, it’s old, by why must we tear it down? Why can’t we renovate the interior where required and connect it to any new structure that is built, while preserving the building and its exterior? I love Toronto, but it would be a much nicer place if we stopped tearing down our past…
I am happy to shed some light on the comments posted regarding the redevelopment plans at TEGH. You are correct that the plans will include the demolition of the A, B and C wings facing Coxwell Ave. This design decision was made only after a full review of all possible options, including the preservation of these buildings. The 1940s design and infrastructure does not allow for modern electrical, plumbing, accessible washrooms and properly sized patient rooms. These are very difficult, if not impossible modifications to bring these buildings up to current healthcare standards while still providing care. The redevelopment plans will result in state of the art patient care areas, a new public green space at the entrance of the hospital and rooftop healing gardens, creating a new legacy for generations to come. We are also looking at a number of ways to acknowledge the history of the Hospital such as preserving the stained glass window currently in the lobby and using some of the old materials from theses wings in the new building.
How sad. This is a beautiful example of Art Deco architecture and we are lucky to have it in our neoghbourhood. If there is a will, there is a way! The interior could be gutted and renovated to accomodate everything necessary.
I’m dissapointed that more isn’t being done to preserve this beautiful building. The heritage status should be appealed.
I agree with CMH. It’s the staff that makes the hospital what it is. Buildings are just bricks and mortar. Everybuilding in the city has a history, but there’s no sense preserving bricks and mortar unless they have some significance.
A closer inspection of the building reveals that the Coxwell facing building was built after the Art Deco Period, and as such, it would be deemed “Faux Art Deco”.. there is no historic value in it.
Take a moment to look at the plans for the new phases of the hospital, and the use of the land on that footprint, and you’ll be convinced that what they are creating will be much nicer to look at.
I know that TEGH holds community meetings to answer questions, and hear concerns.
Their next Community meeting is at:
East York Civic Centre Council Chambers
850 Coxwell Ave
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
6:30 – 8:00pm
go find out more….
PS, it may indeed be “faux art deco”, but the fact remains that it is still, by far, one of the nicest looking buildings in the entire Danforth East neighbourhood. And when you compare to the later additions at TEGH (such as the building fronting onto Mortimer that has the Emerg ward), these new additions are simply atrocious. My desire to see the original wings preserved isn’t due to the fact that they were built in the art deco style (though I am a fan of it for sure), it is because they are handsome buildings, they fit very well within the neighbourhood, and perhaps most importantly, it would simply be wasteful to tear them down. They may be “old” buy North American standards, but it’s actually quite ridiculous to suggest that a 60+ year old building is old. Let’s gut the interiors and start fresh while preserving the existing structures.
It is very important that the Coxwell facade of TEGH be preserved. As a longtime area resident and a former TEGH employee when I was a student, the Coxwell facade is an iconic and architecturally redeeming symbol of our community. Not only was I born there in 1959 but so were all of my four children. My grandmother and several uncles and aunts also passed away there as well as many dear friends. It has also served my family and those of other East Yorkers in countless other situations. In this day and age there is absolutely no reason why the facade cannot be preserved while creating a new structure behind it with all the necessary state of the art requirements. I’m sure that the Coxwell facade has been scouted countless times as a backdrop for movie and television scenes and I would hate to see it replaced by a utilitarian box structure. We are quick to piss away millions of dollars on less sentimental endeavours so why not spend a few dollars to preserve a piece of our East York heritage.
Thank-you CHF for your comments. The staff, doctors and nurses have always delivered top notch medical care for my family over the years. I have nothing but praise for the folks at TEGH. I found it odd that the opinion of an architect on the ‘ quality of medical care ‘ was given credence. I am grateful for the fine care provided by TEGH.