Well, thanks to all of you who joined us at the Community Cocktail Party last night. Melanie of Melanie’s Bistro was a wonderfully gracious hostess, as always and it was a treat to meet some new people in the neighbourhood.

Sugar Moon
We were extremely pleased to announce a very generous donation from one of our local businesses. Sugar Moon Body Sugaring and Esthetics Boutique has donated $1000 to DECA this year. Owner, Paola Girotti, is incredibly community-minded and an ardent supporter of the work our community association is doing to make our neighbourhood more vibrant, walkable and safe. Paola was a bit of a pioneer in this neighbourhood by opening her gorgeous little salon first just east of Coxwell and now just west of Coxwell. She’s a big believer in shopping local and supporting local businesses and just as a big a believer in community. Thank you Sugar Moon.
Woodgreen Child Care Centres

Woodgreen Community Services is one of the largest social service agencies in Toronto -operating almost exclusively out of the east end. It provides service to 37,000 people every year. It runs 10 child care programs in east Toronto serving 820 children and their families. Why am I telling you all this? Because Woodgreen provides a lot of services in our neighbourhood and as the Christmas season starts sneaking up on us, there is a toy drive to support the Woodgreen child care centres.
The fabulous new toy store – Silly Goose Kids – is helping out this year by:
- selling donation gift cards in $10 denominations
- giving customers the opportunity to donate their ‘golden egg’ points to the toy drive
- charging $1 for gift wrapping with all profits going to the toy drive
The event is being sponsored by realtors Duncan Fremlin and Karen Laing. Local residents supporting local toy store and local real estate agents and all helping local social services agency. Love it.
Art & Craft Show At LucSculpture
T’is the season to really show your support for your local businesses by shop shop shopping local. It’s getting easier and easier to do it every year. First stop? the LucSculpture sale featuring sculpture, paintings, drawings, photography, post cards, pottery, jewellery and crafts from local artisans. The sale is on now, but the official opening reception day is Saturday, December 3rd from 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. For more info visit www.lucsculpture.com.
And – hey – I want to know what how you are shopping local. What are you buying and where? Post it on the blog or e-mail me and I’ll post it! natasha.granatstein(at)gmail.com
Local Arts Services Organization
There is a move afoot to look at the feasibility of starting a local arts service organization in East York. There is a public meeting to discuss it on Tuesday, December 6th from 3 – 5 p.m. at 3079 Danforth (near Victoria Park subway). To find out more, contact Liz Swan at eswan(at)toronto.ca.