April is literacy month! (Note to self, spell-check this post before publishing it.)
Earl Haig Public School is having a used book sale on April 20, from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon. They are also seeking book donations – read the poster for all the details!
And while we’re talking about Earls…Earl Beatty Public School has a date for their Fun Fair – so mark your calendars – May 25th!!
This year, the 9th annual Earl Beatty Public School Fun Fair will be held on May 25th from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The event is a partnership between the school, the Earl Beatty Community Centre and Beatty Buddies. It is a day of family fun including a ball hockey tournament, inflatable games, face painting, kids raffles, a barbeque and a bake sale. It is our hope that we will build on the success of last year and raise even more funds to help bring much-needed resources into our children’s classrooms and playground. We hope to see you at this fun-filled day!