If you want to be part of something that is truly transformational for this neighbourhood, mark your calendars for this Sunday! Here’s a message from the University of Toronto graduate students who are leading this very cool project.
What: Placemaking
Where: Coxwell Station laneway
When: Sunday November 16, 11AM-3PM
As part of a class taught by former chief planner Paul Bedford, a team of graduate students have been tasked with developing a vision and action plan for the Danforth East. We are grounding our vision in the community’s plans, as we wish to avoid imposing an outside vision on the area. One of the community plans we are building on is the vision for the Coxwell Laneway, and the ideas generated during the laneway design charrette this past May. The team will temporarily put these ideas into action, and is hoping that the community wants to join in!
On Sunday, November 16th, the team will be working on the laneway from 11 AM to 3 PM. Please come and join us! We’ll start off by performing some general maintenance on the area, like cleaning up garbage and leaves. We will supply the garbage bags and containers, but feel free to bring your own gloves if you feel like helping out! Once we have the place spic n span, we’ll start some decorating. This will involve plenty of sidewalk chalk, installing some temporary wayfinding signs, mirrors for blind corners, and general decoration of the area. One of our main targets is the chain link fence. After we clean out the garbage from behind it, we’d really like to hang up some art. If you have some old art work that you wouldn’t mind being exposed to the elements or if it happens to go missing, bring it out! (we can even drop it off at the local value village for you after the event!) We’re also exploring the possibility of using the fence itself as our palette. If you happen to be particularly artistic and feel you can pull something creative and fun off, let us know. For example:
During this activity we’ll also be engaging with laneway users, letting them know what we’re up to, gauging what their vision for the area is, and whether they approve of the temporary improvements we’ve made. Feel free to bring lawn chairs or temporary seating.
If you have any additional ideas or concerns, please engage with us in the comments section.
Sounds great! Thanks for helping to beautify our neighbourhood!
We’d love to see photos on the Danforth East board, 18Blocks.com.