Perfect Summer Afternoons

The forecast for this evening is lovely – a great night to head out to the market!  All summer long, I’ve been taking my two little boys to the market, buying some fruit and cheese, taking part in the 4:30 fun activities, playing in the wading pool and chatting with friends and neighbours along the way.  It’s been week after week of wonderful afternoons in the neighbourhood.  I’m not alone, I’ve heard other stories of perfect summer afternoons at the market too.  Do you have one you’d like to share?  Post it here on the blog or send it to me and I’ll post it.

This week promises to be no different.  See you there. – Natasha


In decidedly less pleasant news, several cars on Drayton Ave. were broken into last night.  The thieves went through glove compartments and storage spaces looking for valuables.  Items were strewn all over the cars this morning.  Apparently the cars were locked.  Just a reminder to lock your vehicles and don’t leave any valuables in them.  Also – be sure to report these kinds of incidents to the police. They likely won’t do anything, but all of these reports get filed and the more incidents that get reported, the more police are dedicated to a particular area.  If you don’t feel like calling them, send an e-mail here for north of the Danforth and here for south of the Danforth.

Second Exit At Coxwell

I was wondering why the TTC was putting in second exits all along this stretch except Coxwell station.  The TTC tells me that it has identified 14 high priority stations for emergency second exits and Coxwell is not one of them.  On the other hand, the TTC does have a plan to install elevators at all stations, however Coxwell is not slated to get an elevator until 2013.


Thank you to all of you who have offered to donate to help paint the pool at East Lynn Park.  I was surprised by the number of you who want to help.  This neighbourhood is awesome.  Anyway, we’re working on the best way to accept donations.  We can’t paint over the graffiti in the pool until the season is over because it takes at least three days to cure.

Green Hair Care (Not Just For People With Green Hair)

Paola Girotti of Sugar Moon wants you to know that they are now carrying a eco-hair-care line called Onesta. She’s also offering a free gift with your full-body brazillian.  ‘Nuf said.

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