A community consultation meeting will be held regarding the development application proposal for 2055-2057 Danforth Avenue (formerly Woodbine Building Supplies). The meeting will provide an opportunity for the community to have input on this project, view the plans and ask questions. If you cannot attend the meeting, you can still make your views known by sending a fax (416) 392-1330 or by writing to Raymond David, Toronto and East York District Planning Division, 100 Queen Street West, Floor 18E Toronto Ontario, M5H 2N2.
Attending the meeting will be: Councillor Bussin, representatives for the developer and City of Toronto Planner, Tine Major, lmajor@toronto.ca.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010 – 7 – 9 p.m.
Terry Fox Community Centre, 2 Gledhill Ave.
For more information, contact Councillor Sandra Bussin’s office at 416-392-1376 or councillor_bussin@toronto.ca
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