We are doing our best to keep up with the neighbourhood, but with jobs, kids, vacations and a relentless summer cold, we’ve been a bit behind! Here are a couple of events and volunteer opportunities to note!
First off, our dear friend, Board member, pop-up queen and all-around volunteer extraordinaire Catherine Porter is leaving us for a year abroad. Here is her own column about her latest adventure to Senegal – we’ll miss you Cath!
Wheels on the Danforth – Saturday, August 10
It might not be on our section of Danforth, but there is a pretty fun-sounding event going on east of us that you should know about: Wheels on the Danforth. Car show, kids zone, entertainment, craft fair, beer garden – all to raise money for the community! Check out their website for more info: http://www.wheelsonthedanforth.ca
Movie Under the Stars @ East Lynn – August 22
We’ll remind you again, but mark you calendars with this year’s date for Movie Under the Stars at East Lynn Park. On August 22, come for the market and stay for the Princess Bride. Bring your blankets, snacks and six-fingered friends for this family classic.
Volunteer Opportunities:
Monarch Park Adopt-a-Tree
In addition to DECA’s own adopt-a-tree program, (click here for our blog post about that) the Friends of Monarch Park have a program in Monarch Park and are looking for more volunteers. Please visit http://friendsofmonarchpark.com/adopt-a-tree/ for more information.
Canada Day at Stan Wadlow
Did you attend this year’s festivities? Were you waiting around for hours for the rides to get going? Did you think the rides were a bit rough around the edges? DId the roller coaster operator keep your kids waiting while he walked around under the ride tightening all of the hitches with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth? There were lots of great things about the event, but there’s definitely room for improvement – I mean, Canada’s birthday deserves nothing but the best!
A casual chat about it in passing with Janet Davis revealed that the organizing committee needs people on it. If you are able to volunteer to add your 2 cents to the decisions that are made about East York Canada Day 2014, please email Councillor Davis by clicking here. CIty money goes into this event, so it’s in all of our interest to make sure that it’s spent on top quality fun for our whole community!!
Since I’m writing about volunteer opportunities, I would be remiss if I didn’t put in a plug for DECA. While people may think that we’re a well-oiled machine of neighbourhood do-gooding, (ha!) we are actually just regular neighbourhood volunteers, and we’re always looking for more help. Do you have a great idea for our ‘hood? Let us know! Email us here with your thoughts and we’ll figure out the next steps.