Spring is finally here! Now that this sunshine is luring us out of hibernation, (much more than the hurricane winds and ice pellets from last weekend!) it’s time let you know about these awesome events happening in the neighbourhood.
Earth Day Laneway Cleanup, April 22
First celebrated in 1970, this Sunday is Earth Day! Join DECA, and thousand of people across Toronto as we help pick up litter and do our small part to keep our city clean and green!Meet at Paul Estrella Laneway and Angelone Laneway (North of Danforth, off Woodmount).
We will have the supplies but feel free to bring your own work/gardening gloves if you have them.
There are also a number of other local cleanups this weekend – see below!
Record Store Day at Press, April 21 (today!)
It’s Record Store Day so stop by Press at 2442 Danforth and get 25% off new and used vinyl and see what else is in store. Live music at 4:00pm and $1 brewed coffee all day long.
Games Night Fundraiser for Syrian Refugees, April 22
Sunday April 22nd | Time Capsule | 2183 Danforth Ave | 6:30-11:30pm
Tickets $30 in advance, $35 at door
Click here to buy your tickets
Join in for a night of fun, games, food and drinks, in support of sponsoring a Syrian family coming to Canada. There will also be fun raffle throughout the night.
This event is a guaranteed win-win 😄
(Note: this is not a DECA event but it is organized by awesome community members)
Save the Date: DECA 80s Dance Party, May 26
The applications are open now for DECA’s 3rd annual scholarship program. We’re trying something new this year to fundraisefor the $2000 scholarship – an 80s dance party! Watch this space for details.
This is will be for ages 19+, so book your sitters.
Visit our website for more info about the scholarship and how to apply.
Other Clean-Ups for Earth Day
Ward 31
Ward 32
Merrill Dog Park – POSTPONED
Beach Hill
– meet at Forward Baptist Church (1892 Gerrard Street East) to clean up the neighbourhood from 11:30 a.m to 2:00 p.m. on April 21
Ashbridge’s Bay Park
– meet at the entrance from the parking lot to clean up the park from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.on April 21 (rain date April 22)
Craven Road
– meet at 427 Craven Road to clean up along the Craven fence from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on April 22
Stephenson Park
– meet at Stephenson Park (61 Stephenson Avenue) to clean up the park from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on April 22
Kew Gardens
– meet at Kew Gardens (2075 Queen Street East) to clean up the park from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Wards 29 & 30