
Apparently today is September 28th.  Too late for pie apparently.  I don’t know where September went.  But there you are.  Now you know that there is a real person here with a real life and real flaws.  Not just a robot.

All Candidates Need Pie

DECA All-Candidates Debates

Who will work harder for you?  Who will listen to you and give those So and Sos at City what for?  Who will spend your hard-earned money wiser than anyone else?  Who will cut taxes and spend more?  DECA will.  On October 25th, cast your vote for DECA.  Not so much?

Then you might want to decide who you should be voting for at one of DECA’s all-candidate’s meetings.  But before you do that – we could use a few volunteers for each night – just to set up a few tables and chairs and then take them down again – that sort of thing.  Can you help?  Let Sheri know at sherihebdon@gmail.com.  Please?

Ward 31 – October 5th 7-9 p.m. Kimbourne Park United Church at 200 Wolverleigh Blvd. at Coxwell and Danforth

Ward 32 – October 19th 7-9 p.m. Kimbourne Park United Church at 200 Wolverleigh Blvd. at Coxwell and Danforth

You should really come.  Really.  But if you can’t or if you’re just too darn shy to stand up and ask your question, you can e-mail them to ward31debate@gmail.com or ward32debate@gmail.com.

Also – our local city councillors are important to DECA.  They help us to navigate all the rules and regulations at city hall and have been very helpful in all manner of DECA endeavours.  It matters who wins on election day because as a residents’ association we need the strong support of our city councillors.  So here’s my little plea to you to learn about the candidates and get out and vote.  O.k. sermon over.

Swim Instructors

Do you know a high school/college student with their Bronze Medallion or Bronze Cross who is enthusiastic, good with kids and looking for a part-time job?  Let me know.  natasha.granatstein@gmail.com

Danforth East Arts Fair

It’s this weekend.  10 – 5 Saturday and Sunday at East Lynn Park. Go there.  Support DECA.  Support the artists.  Enjoy your fabulous neighbourhood.

Tim Bits and Relish (yummy) Bites

Two ends of the fine dining spectrum here.  I notice the Esso/Tim Horton’s at Greenwood is open for business.  I must say maintaining that theatre marquee is a nice touch.  Let’s hope it spurs a bit of a clean up of that intersection.

On the other end is Relish Bar and Grill, just past Woodbine on Danforth.  If you haven’t tried Relish, you are missing out one of the best restaurants in the neighbourhood and the city.  It’s fantastic.  And, starting September 1st, you can also do Relish for lunch.  Tues – Sat 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Sunday brunch from 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.  Very good news indeed.

Bike Racks At East Lynn

Mary-Margaret McMahon tells me that after three years of cajoling, the City is set to install bike racks at East Lynn Park.  They should be there sometime in the next few weeks.  Patience, they say, is a virtue.

Great Goofy Games

Speaking of East Lynn Park – our Vice Chair, Catherine Porter, was at a craft fair in Scarborough recently and they had these delightful games for the young ‘uns.  That got her thinking how great it would be if we had something similar for the Farmers’ Market and other DECA events.  Do you have the creativity, the skills and the desire to create some of these games to share with the community?  Let Catherine know at catherine_porter@rogers.com

East Lynn Park Foundation

From Alison McMurray…

Thank you to everyone who signed our letter of support yesterday for the wading pool to stay in East Lynn Park.  Andrea and I were involved with the revitalization of the park and I still have the plans in my kitchen!  We are re-forming ELF  – East Lynn Park Foundation, to best decide how to spend this money as a community.  It may be years before we see the money and although $100K has been earmarked, we will see what we get.

If you did not sign the letter and would like to be involved, please email me at alisonmcmurray@rogers.com.

Hot Enough For Ya?

Photo courtesy of Zoe Theysmeyer

The Market This Week

Last Thursday market-goers listened to stories by storyteller Dan Yashinsky.  This week we’re continuing the theme with a visit from Christine Hiller, the children’s librarian at the Danforth/Coxwell library.  Christine was at the market twice last  year with stories and song and we’re excited to have her back for more.  Look for her by the face-painting tent this Thursday at 4:30 p.m. (The East Lynn Farmers’ Market runs every Thursday from 3 – 7 p.m. at East Lynn Park, south of Danforth, west of Woodbine)

Market Bucks

Don’t forget to fill out your ballot to win ‘Market Bucks’ at the DECA table.  Each week we draw for $20 in Market Bucks to be used at the market from our wonderful partners at Farmers Markets Ontario.

PS – The East Lynn Park Farmers’ Market is on facebook, here.

Jazz In The Park

The Danforth Mosaic BIA hosts a weekly jazz performance every Wednesday from 6 – 9 p.m. (rain or shine).  This week it is Autorickshaw, an “Indo- jazz-funk fusion ensemble.  The band is nominated for a Juno award for  world music album of the year.  Bring your blanket or lawn chair to the Coxwell Parkette on the south side of the Danforth, just west of Coxwell.

Family Health Centre Update

As you may know the former funeral home at Aldridge and Danforth is being turned into a medical centre that will house the South East Toronto Family Health Team. This group of family doctors, residents and health care professionals will see about 12,000 patients.  They expect to open in Spring 2011 and doctors there will be accepting new patients.

Some of the fencing is already up.  The demolition will start inside the building disconnecting and removing the more delicate connections.  Then they’ll bring in an excavator to tear down the building.  Then they’ll shore up the building next door and dig a big hole.  Then, they build.  They’re hoping to be moving along with construction by the end of the summer.

Toastmasters Youth Leadership Program

If you (or someone you know) is aged 11-18, they are invited to join a special summer session of the Toastmasters Youth Leadership Program.  This free program will help participants overcome a fear of public speaking and help them become an effective speaker and leader.  This is an eight-week session starting Saturday, July 17th from noon – 2 p.m. at the Royal Canadian Legion at 9 Dawes Road (near Danforth).  For more information contact Helen Pearce at branch11rcl@rogers.com or 416-699-1353.

How are the raspberries?   Should I be getting ready to make raspberry jam?