Error Alert. The VSVSVS Free School is actually Sunday, instead of Saturday. (Apologies if you went today!)
It should be:
SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2012:
VSVSVS – The Free School!
Inside 1238 Danforth Ave – Cosmic Janitorial Services (1 PM – 3 PM)
Going head to head with 2000 + years of pedagogy, VSVSVS have established the Free School – your one stop shop for learning all manner of useful (and not so useful) things. It all starts at 1 PM (TOMORROW, SUNDAY, MAY 27th), with David Hanes who’ll teach you how to Rock Short Shorts (in addition to Post-Internert theory).
Then, (still on Sunday, May 27) Ryan Clayton will teach you how to make, complete, and maintain an Elastic Band Ball.
Finally at Sunday, May 27, 5:00 pm, Anna Kovler give you A Lesson in Denial, as well as A Lesson in Scissor Use and because she’s nice, A Lesson in Positive Visualization and Materialization.