DECA Board meeting tonight

The DECA Board is meeting tonight, Monday May 28 from 7:40-9:30pm at The Nooks Studio, 1912 Danforth Avenue.

Why come to a meeting? Lots of reasons! Perhaps you’d like to get involved. Perhaps you want to hear more about us and what we do. Perhaps you’d like to meet some neighbours. Whatever your reason, we look forward to meeting you!

7:15pm Meet and Greet
If you want to know more about us but the thought of coming to a meeting fills you with dread, or if you prefer to chat one on one, a few Board members will be at the Nooks Studio before the meeting starts from 7:15 -7:40pm, to meet and greet with anyone who wants to come out.

If you live nearby and can bring a folding chair, please do. The Nooks Studio has a limited number of seats. We’re grateful to owner Colleen Imrie for kindly offering us the Studio space for DECA’s Board meeting. We’ll serve some light refreshments and everyone is welcome to attend. Please email us if you have questions:

Pick up a #DanforthEast Yard Sale Poster
Yard Sale Posters will be available for pick-up! Please take one home to advertise the Danforth East Yard Sale on your street.

Community events for days!

Since you already know about our retro dance party, this post is NOT about that. (Ignore this link for buying your tickets.)

Please check out these other incredible community events!

Stephenson Park Spring Fling

Saturday, May 26 | 4-8pm | Stephenson Park (Stephenson Ave @ Westlake)

Centre 55 and Stephenson Park’s Spring Fling Fundraiser! Tons of things for the kids to do, live music with David Storey, food & drink (including booze!) available for purchase, and a silent auction too. Grab a bite and a brew and support Community Centre 55!

Monarch Park Stadium Community Day

Sunday, May 27 | 10am-1pm | 1 Parkmount Rd (behind Monarch Park Collegiate)

Celebrate MPS’ Outdoor Season! Join us Sunday, May 27 from 10:00am – 1:00pm for sports games and activities to celebrate Monarch Park Stadium!

MPS Community Day in partnership with MPS Youth Programs includes the following activities:

• MPS Bouncy Castles & Inflatables

• Track and Field Races

• Blocks & Parachutes for Toddlers

• Epic water fight at 12:00pm (Bring your own water sprayers!!!)

• Ice Cream Truck!!!

• More Games and Activities

MPS Community Day is FREE but NOT rain or shine – event will be cancelled if there is rain. (Notification through email and social media by 9:00am if there is a cancellation.)

This event is brought to us by MPS Programs:

Traffic Safety Forum

May 29 | 7:00-9:00pm | 2174 Danforth (Danforth Mennonite Church)

Join Councillor Janet Davis and Toronto’s Traffic Safety Manager for a discussion about traffic safety near local schools.

Everybody Dance Now!

Okay fine, not “now” – on Saturday! If the allure of 80s and 90s music doesn’t grab you, how about a great cause and amazing raffle? Read on! (and bring cash when you come)

With or without you

DECA is fundraising for our Young Leaders Scholarship with some retro fun. Just as fun as when you were a kid except minus the angst and plus a cash bar! #winning

This party is happening this Saturday, May 26 starting at 8:30pm at the East Masonic Temple, 13 Chisholm (Main/Danforth). That’s right, 8:30pm.


Music – makes the people – come together

As a neighbourhood association DECA was formed not to oppose, but to be FOR something – our community – and over the last 11 years we have volunteered hundreds of hours to make our corner of the city better. Nobody knows why it’s taken us 11 years to throw a dance party, but better late than never, right?

I believe the children are our future

We need young leaders who are willing to step up and make a difference in the spaces they live. To support these difference-makers the DECA Young Leaders Scholarship grants $2000 to a student entering post secondary schooling or training.

What a feeling

All proceeds from our door and raffle tickets, as well as our cash bar, will support the scholarship. DJ Jamie will be spinning jams from the 80s and 90s on vinyl from 8:30pm through 12:30am. That’s right people, we’re pretty much going all night long.

You can buy tickets via eventbrite or at the door the night of the event (note: cash only, like, really, because we are just volunteers who do not carry around interac machines in our giant mom purses).

There will be no rain but don’t blister in the sunwear your sunglasses at night and if things go as planned, the ‘hood will smells like teen spirit come Sunday morning.

To support our efforts, some of our fabulous businesses along #DanforthEast have donated fabulous raffle prizes. These are awesome prizes that will stare you down saying don’t you want me baby.  You’ll be buying so many tickets you’ll feel like you’re livin’ on a prayer but in a good way. Like Bon Jovi.

Origin Wellness –  30 min massage (you’ll need it after all that running man)

Face to Face Games – 2 prizes baskets – one Pokémon themed and one board game themed (to keep the kids entertained on Sunday!)

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Handwork Department – vintage basket with Darth Vader magnet, vintage comics and mad magazine, zipper tie, footloose! (It’s almost too much for one prize pack)

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Balance Women’s Fitness Studio – yoga bag, water bottle, headband and one month gold membership (If you get this, you are literally more fit right away)

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Silly Goose Kids – basket of vintage-style toys (Oh yes, that’s Strawberry Shortcake??!!)

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Press – original international re-release of Madonna’s first album (1985)

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Breathing Inspiration – 2x meditation bracelets with Howlite and Rose Quartz.

All Candidates Meeting – May 15

The writ hasn’t dropped yet but we know that the provincial election is coming up on June 7 and we know who is running (from the major parties) to represent Beaches East York at Queen’s Park:

  • Rima Berns-McGown (NDP)
  • Sarah Mallo (PC)
  • Arthur Potts (Liberal)
  • Debra Scott (Green)

DECA has invited these four candidates to participate in an all candidates meeting on Tuesday, May 15 from 7:00-8:30pm at Kimbourne Park United Church, 200 Wolverleigh.

Here’s our awesome poster…👇

So far, three candidates have confirmed (still waiting on the last) so we know it will be an informative evening. Candidates have been invited to stay afterward for a brief chance to chat with people after the Q&As.

We are very grateful that David Rider from the Toronto Star will be moderating.

To keep things orderly, instead of taking questions from the floor, we are asking for suggested topics or specific questions by email.

We look forward to hearing from you and see you on May 15!

Jane’s Walk This Saturday!

Jane's Walk

Now that the weather has decided to feel like spring, it is time to stretch our legs and enjoy leisure walks in the great outdoors again. What better way to see all the changes winter hid away than to explore the neighborhood through a Jane’s Walk! This Saturday, May 5, DECA’s own Stephen Wickens will be leading a Jane’s Walk entitled “The Death and Life of Upper Midway” where he will use pictures and maps to discuss the geography and economic history of the East Danforth and the potential for the future. The walk will start at 10 am on the south side of Danforth at Morton Road between Woodbine and Main stations and end at Lindsmore Tavern near Greenwood station. Find out more how our neighborhood has evolved from the early 1900’s into its current revitalization as our favorite Toronto neighborhood!

Danforth image

Photo credit to the Photo guide for the Death and Life of Upper Midway Jane’s Walk (Year 11)


Community Enviro Days

Local Councillors each hold a community environment day and some are coming up in our neighbourhood so mark your calendars! More info about these events below – so much happening!

Saturday May 5 | 10am-2pm |Ward 31 – Councillor Davis

East York Memorial Arena parking lot @ 888 Cosburn.

Thursday May 17 | 4-8pm | Ward 32 – Councillor McMahon

Ted Reeve Arena parking lot @ 175 Main St @ Gerrard.

Saturday June 16 | 10am-2pm |Ward 29 – Councillor Fragedakis

Dieppe Park, 445 Cosburn (between Coxwell & Greenwood)

Sunday July 1 | 10am-2pm | Ward 30 – Councillor Fletcher

Bridgepoint Hospital, 1 Bridgepoint Drive

What Can You Drop-off or Pick-Up?

Pick up for free: Compost (limit of one cubic metre per household)

Products available: Kitchen Container ($5 each)

Drop off for recycling or proper disposal

Electronic Waste

Household Hazardous Waste

Donate items to local schools for reuse

• Yarn, knitting needles, sewing notions, buttons and keys

• Children’s books, musical instruments

• CD’s, CD cases, 35 mm cameras

• Costume jewellery including broken, old watches

• Arts and crafts supplies: pencils, crayons, markers

• Corks, cork boards, clipboards

• Dress up clothing: costumes, prom dresses, uniforms

Donate items for reuse

(Please keep these separate from other items)

• Sporting goods (e.g., skates, hockey equipment, bikes, rackets, etc.)

• Books (excluding school/university curriculum books)

• Eyeglasses, walking aids, hearing aids, etc.

• Small household items (e.g., dishes, ornaments, kitchen utensils, artistic drawings, games, etc.)

• Textiles in good condition (e.g. clothing, linens, etc.)

• Non-perishable foods will be donated to a food bank

Note: You can recycle plastic shopping bag, foam polystyrene, empty paint and aerosol cans in your blue recycling bin.

Please do not bring construction waste, air conditioners, garbage, wood, cassette and videotapes, commercial/ industrial hazardous waste and scrap metal.