All Things Art: DEAF & AOD

Art of the Danforth: Join the Team

Are you interested in participating in some way with the next Art of the Danforth (scheduled for May 2014)? If so, you’re invited to the following get together!

Thursday, April 18, 7:30-9 pm

Art of the Danforth 2014 Brainstorm 7:30 – 8:30 pm

East Danforth Creative Collective Annual General Meeting 8:30 – 9pm

At LucSculpture Studio & Schools

663 Greenwood (just steps north of Danforth)

For more information, or if you can’t make it, email:

Danforth East Arts Fair: Call for Artists

It’s that time of year again. The Danforth East Arts Fair is accepting applications for the coming season. This years art fair will be held in East Lynn Park on September 14 & 15. Application deadlines are earlier this year in order to help us kick off a more vigorous marketing campaign, so please get your applications in for the early deadline of March 29, 2013 and pay a discounted application fee ($175). The final deadline for applications will be May 31, 2013 ($200).
Please visit us at for the 2013 exhibitor package and more about what you can expect this year.


Calling all Artists & Crafters in Toronto!

Here’s an update on one of the Pop-Up Shops from Tara S.

We are looking for artists and crafters to participate in our Pop-Up Shop project on the Danforth, between Coxwell and Woodbine.  As discussed previously,  there is an energetic and passionate group of people working on the Renew East Danforth project to fill empty storefronts and find long term tenants for the building owners.

For the holiday shopping month of December, we have 4 or 5 stores taking part, creating a festive, well advertised and celebrated event.  One of the stores will be holding an “indoor craft show“, a place for artists to show & sell their wares during the peak shopping season on the Danforth.

Table space rental: One weekend($75), all 5 weekends($325), weekdays($20/day) or the whole month($525).

Hours open to public:

  • Monday to Friday: 10am to 5pm
  • Saturday & Sunday: 9am to 6pm

If you are interested in renting a table, here are the details:

  • Artists must come one hour before store opening to set up products.
  • Tables are 8ft long. Without a table, the space is approximately 8 x 3 ft.  Cost of table rental is extra, price is dependent on the number of days you rent. Your own set-up is welcome as an alternative.
  • Artists are asked to submit by email:  5 photos of their work, with prices for those in pictures, retail/exhibition history, a short artist biography describing process of creation, price range of work, contact information, and any other relevant information. The submissions will be juried and payment will be required soon after that time.
  • Please email Tara for more details:  Please type “Pop-Up Craft Show” in the subject line.
  • Application deadline : Wednesday November 21!

Following the craft sales in December, we are searching for artists to share the rent one of the spaces as a co-op work and sales space. Any enquiries are welcome!