Given the nice weather over the weekend I’m sure many of you opened up your sheds and basement storage areas to dust off the gardening gear, bicycles or other spring equipment only to realize there is a wall of stuff standing in between you and the item your looking for. Fear not! DECA has a solution for you!
The #DanforthEast Garage Sale
The idea, largely borrowed from the Great Glebe Garage Sale in Ottawa, is to coordinate garage sales in the neighbourhood to all be on one day – June 1st. Having the critical mass will hopefully bring more shoppers out, make everyone’s sale more successful.
The #DanforthEast Garage Sale will take place rain or shine on Saturday, June 1st from 8am until 2pm.
If you would like to register your sale, please contact us by email to let us know your address. We’ll be producing a map of the DECA area so shoppers know exactly where sales are. We’ll also coordinate a donation pick up process with the Diabetes Association at the end of the day.
Note – The City of Toronto allows only two garage sales per household each year and items sold must be household items.
This is excellent! I grew up in the Glebe in Ottawa and the neighbourhood garage sale is a great idea. Way to go, DECA!
Very descriptive blog, I liked that a lot. Will there be
a part 2?