First thing’s first. Have you checked out the pop-ups yet? February is a short month so if you don’t get out there now and show your support with your feet and your wallet, the month will be over and you will feel badly. So get on out there and visit your local pop-ups.
Second. These pop-ups are awesome, but they take work. And we’re getting a little bit tired. We need some help. Big bits of help and little bits of help. If you’re interested in finding out how you can help in a big way or a small way, we’d love for you to mark Thursday, February 21st at 8 p.m. on your calendar. We’re meeting to talk about next steps and what jobs need to be done to get us there.
If you are interested, send me a note by clicking here
Thanks. Really.
February Pop-UPs
Repetitions Fitness | 1803 Danforth Avenue
Krystle Lee | 1801 Danforth Avenue
Fa Real Designz N Prints | 1898 Danforth Avenue