Wednesday, September 21st
The City of Toronto is beginning a review of its official plan that will focus on how and where Toronto will grow. Stage 1 of public consultations are this fall and include an open house at the East York Civic Centre on Wednesday September 21 between 3 p.m. and 9 p.m. You can drop in at any point to see displays and share insights with city staff. A presentation and facilitated discussion will occur at 4 p.m. and again at 7:30 p.m.
You can visit to watch videos, take a short survey, submit comments, sign-up for e-dates and learn more about consultation events.
Thursday, September 22nd
Woodgreen Community Services is having its 2011 annual general meeting and keynote address.
Reception 5:30 p.m. followed by meeting at 6:30 p.m. and keynote speaker, Camille Orridge, CEO Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network at 7 p.m. Riverdale Collegiate, 1094 Gerrard St. E.
Now – September 30th
The Danforth Mosaic Business Improvement Association is hosting ‘Dine Around The Danforth’. Participating restaurants from Jones to Westlake are offering specials and live entertainment until the end of September. Visit the site for information on what special specials are being offered up.
Oct 1st
Drop in and have coffee and a chat with City Councillor, Mary-Margaret McMahon (south of the Danforth, east of Coxwell) from 9 – 11 a.m. at Cozy Cafe (2075 Danforth at Woodbine).
Unfortunately, the Danforth Mosaic BIA’s website shows the dine around dates for 2010 throughout. Is this outdated information or typos for listings?