New Development – Community Meeting on May 14
There is a new development being proposed at 2359 Danforth Avenue. Do you know where that is? Go ahead, guess. Okay fine, I’ll tell you. It’s the Morris Auction Sales building, on the south side between Woodbine and Main. As someone who lives close to that desolate patch of Danforth Avenue, I am tentatively excited about something coming in to add some more life to our lonely little stretch.
Here’s the really cool news so far – the people who purchased the property and who hope to develop it, they are working with Councillor McMahon to get community input on their plans early on, which is over and above the two mandatory meetings that they are required to hold. DECA is reserving judgment on the proposal until we know more, but we like the effort, and we are urging you to show up and have your say now. They are listening.
Community Meeting for 2359 Danforth Development, with Councillor Mary-Margaret McMahon
May 14, 2013 @ 7:00 p.m.
Main Square Community Centre, 245 Main Street (just south of the apartment buildings)
Investing 101 – date moved to May 13
You know how it is. You send out a blog post for an event and the next day, a scheduling snafu occurs and you have to change the date? Yeah, so, that’s what happened. New date is May 13 and all the other info is the same (7:30-9:00 p.m. at Lazy Daisy’s Cafe 1515 Gerrard St E). Here’s the updated post – please join us for this great DECA Learns event!
Can you provide any more updates to this proposal?