Beach Fairway Golf Range needs your help to stay open
How many of us east-enders like to shoot balls or play mini golf at the Beach Fairway Golf Range, on Victoria Park south of Danforth? (If you haven’t visited, you’ve probably passed by numerous times and made a mental note to check it out soon!)
The owners lease the land from the City, and their lease will not be renewed to make way for housing and retail development. The whole place is slated to close for good on October 12, 2012.
The owners are meeting with the Mayor on July 16, 2012, and have asked that surrounding neighbours sign a petition ASAP to show that we want to keep the golf range and mini putt! Here are a few reasons why you should think about signing:
- This is the only driving range in the City south of the 401 (other than the Docks, which is a different type of facility)
- They have over 60,000 visits each year including 5700 kids (for mini golf) and 2500 seniors
- They offer special rates to a variety of organizations that otherwise would not be able to offer golf to their members for rehabilitation and/or social outings.
- They give free golf lessons for inner city kids
For more info or to offer support, click here to get to the webpage, and then click on “sign our online petition”.
Proposed Changes to 54 Division – Community Input Wanted
There are some proposed changes on the table that could really impact our police services. Please see below for details about a community consultation with Councillor Janet Davis on July 31, 2012, and a survey that you can print and submit by email or in-person.
Survey: to be submitted before July 31, 2012
In 2012, in response to significant current and anticipated future fiscal pressures, the Chief’s Internal Organizational Review (CIOR) was established to “engage members of the Service to conduct reviews of operations, infrastructure, administration, business processes and organizational structure with the goal to better achieve our Service’s Mission while increasing public value by becoming more effective, efficient and economical”.
As part of the CIOR, the process the Service uses to determine its requirement for police facilities and the eventual retrofit and/or replacement of these facilities is being reviewed. The objective of this review is to establish a framework to identify and evaluate facility options that will balance the needs of the community and our Service members, all the while ensuring the most effective, efficient and economical delivery of police services in the long-term. This review is focusing on 13 Division and 54 Division as they are slated for replacement in the near-term capital budget.
In addition, any framework must ensure that the transition, regardless of the option recommended, is seamless and minimizes any short-term disruption. Maintaining, if not improving, the current level and quality of service to the community is a critical decision point; as such, it is not anticipated that overall front-line staffing would be reduced as a result.
Considering the needs of your community, what do you think are the three most important things to consider when making decisions about police facilities and/or divisional boundaries?
Building new police stations in a new location within the division has been the traditional response to aging and/or inadequate police facilities; the Review Team has identified the following options for addressing the replacement of police stations. The identified options are as follows:
Option 1: Build a new station in a new location, while maintaining existing boundaries
Option 2: Close the existing station, realign divisional boundaries of surrounding divisions to incorporate all areas of the closed division, reassign officers to surrounding divisions Amalgamate two divisions (with or without boundary realignment) and build a new station
Option 3: Close the existing station, realign divisional boundaries of surrounding divisions to incorporate all areas of the closed division, reassign officers to surrounding divisions Amalgamate two divisions (with or without boundary realignment) and build a new station
Consider each of the above three options for addressing the replacement of police stations.
What do you think could be the most positive result of each option?
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
What do you think could be the most negative result of each option?
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
If you have any further comments, concerns or suggestions (e.g. a different option), please note them below.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.
Please return your survey to: the front desk of 54 Division at 41 Cranfield Road, Toronto Or Electronically to Helen.Dixon(at) by July 31, 2012.
I am cochair of a group called the Jenny. Jenny started this group 10 years ago to raise money for the creature comforts of chemo patients at TEGH. Sadly, Jenny passed away from breast cancer 7 years ago and we continue the fundraising efforts to honour her memory. Beach Fairway, since its inception, has generously, year after year, donated prizes to our silent auction. Beach Fairway, is not just a local business, but is an integral part of the fabric of this community. They willingly donate their services to many worthy causes. Because of its location, it gives anyone, despite their socio-economic background, the opportunity to swing a golf club and it can be accessed by walking, auto, TTC. What a brilliant concept! You would do this community a great disservice by not renewing their lease. Please rethink this decision.
Please do not let Beach Fairway leave this community. It is such a cool concept and it gives kids, who might otherwise be out causing trouble, something positive to participate in and they don’t need a car to get there. What a great place and wonderful owners. Please do the right thing.
Please make sure to sign the petition in addition to leaving this thoughtful comment.
I signed the Beach Fairway petition. While I am not a golfer, I like the idea of keeping a recreational green space within the Toronto city limits which is easily accessible to Toronto residents.