The Danforth East Yard Sale is happening this Saturday June 9th from 8-2pm! If you are taking part, why not start promoting your sale now? This year in addition to our big map, we have a poster that you can print to promote your own sale. It is a great way to get some extra buyers. If you’ve got some great stuff to sell, why not add your yard sale poster to social media? Just snap a photo of it, share it and let folks know what you’ll be offering up for sale on Saturday. Let’s get this party started! Hashtag #DanforthEast. Yard sale sign-up link:
Printable Poster
Charity pick up deadline
If you want the charity pick up for your unwanted yard sale items you must sign-up for pick-up by Thursday June 7th at 9am.
Bigger than ever
We anticipate the sale will be bigger than ever this year. Over 264 sales are already registered including 34 sidewalk sales. Thanks to the Danny BIA for working with us again this year!