Canada Post Grey Boxes

Honestly, nobody works harder for less money than Mary-Margaret McMahon.  Her latest feat?  She’s convinced Canada Post to let her get local schools to paint five grey graffiti-covered Canada Post relay boxes in a farmers’ market theme this spring.  One can only imagine the high pressure lobbying tactics and number of phone calls and e-mails exchanged with the good people at Canada Post that went into making this happen.

So, do you know of a graffiti-covered box that could use a paint job?  Let her know at

Poking Around For A New Book?

Book Swap

Summer’s coming… and it’s time to stock up on some fresh summer reading.  If you have books that you are finished with and you want to trade them for some new ones, come to the neighbourhood Book Swap happening on Saturday, May 8 from 11-1 at True Brew cafe (2116 Danforth – on the north side, just east of Woodbine).

We’d love to see books of all kinds — picture books your kids have outgrown, vampire fiction your teenagers might be willing to part with, thoughtful treatises on living the green life, cookbooks, comic books, book club rejects… anything in good shape and ready to be shared.  Grab a coffee, chat with your neighbours, and tread a little more lightly while you’re at it.  Any leftovers will be donated to school libraries or charity.

(P.S. I noticed True Brew is hosting a free coffee day on May 12th – you’re welcome.)

Mad Hatter’s Tea Party To Save The Peace Theatre

You’re invited to the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party in support of the Peace Theatre – an organization committed to transforming the lives of at-risk children and youth in Toronto.  On this, the theater’s 10th anniversary, the Peace Theatre is in danger of closing its doors – for good.  Over the past ten years the Peace Theatre has helped thousands of at-risk youth and it needs our support to help it continue.

On May 12, 2010, join musicians Joe Sealy and Paul Novotny, Monsoon and others while sipping some Mad Hatter spiked tea and yummy bites at Revival on College St.  The goals is to raise $40,000.  Learn more at or 416-752-1550.

Business Revitalization Team

Thank you so so much to the wonderful volunteers who came to help out with the Business Revitalization Team last weekend.  Giving up a few hours of a precious Saturday is much appreciated!  Our next project is Thai Basil Kitchen (near the Honda on the north side).

If you have a recommendation for a business that you love, but could use some help from our amazing Business Revitalization Team – let Angela know at

Melanie’s Bistro

You know Melanie Ferreira is good friend of DECA.  She and her husband were profiled in the Toronto Star this weekend. Check it out.

55 Division Community Picnic

Mark your calendars for May 26th (4-8 p.m.) for the police community picnic at Woodbine Park (Lakeshore and Woodbine).  DECA will be there promoting the East Lynn Farmers’ Market so stop by and say hello.

Farmers’ Market Opens June 3rd

Help Wanted

We’re looking for help for the Farmers’ Market, both paid and unpaid, but all very much appreciated.

First – we’re looking for a fabulous Market Manager. The Market Manager needs to be at the East Lynn market from 1:30 – 7:30 on Thursdays and the pay is $125/day.  The manager generally works with the farmers and ensures the whole thing runs smoothly.  If you would like more information, contact Diana Gonzalez at  (P.S. Diana’s also looking for Market Managers for the markets at Sick Kids (Tuesdays 7:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.) and Liberty Village (Sundays 7:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.)

We also need a few strong guys and gals to help out with barricades (carrying them in and out of the shed and then standing near them and allowing the local cars on to East and West Lynn Ave.)  We’ve got a few students, but we need some help in June and September to help until around 3:30.  There would be some payment for this.

Second – Our Market is pretty darn terrific. Not to toot our own horn, but everybody says so.  Still, we could use a few extra hands to help out.   Think about it: you get to hang out with cool farmers and fun farmers’ market folk; you get to be outside enjoying the oh-so-short summer; you get to run into all your neighbours; and you get to contribute to an amazing community event that is helping to make this a ‘sought after’ neighbourhood.  How can you get involved?  Glad you asked.

DECA Booth Hosts When needed: 1-2 people each week for two shifts (2:30-5:00 and/or 5:00-7:30)What to do: Greet market attendees, provide directions, answer questions about DECA, sell DECA memberships, set up/take  down of small tent and table,  help farmers if needed, help coordinate and serve farmer’s meals.

Farmer Feeders When needed: 1-2 people each week – What to do: Create and deliver fantastic meals to serve our ~30 devoted farmers.   You can use farmers produce but need to scoop it 1 week prior.

Photographers When needed: one person each week at whatever time they are available, particularly around the 4:30 p.m. What to do: People to capture the moments and memories of the farmers market, with your own digital camera.

Public Relations When needed: various times through out the summer. What to do: Champion public relations activity for the Farmers Market, including creating and distributing regular press releases to local papers.

Face Painting When needed: 1-2 people each week for two shifts (2:30-5:00 and/or 5:00-7:30) What to do: Use your talent and artisan eye to paint children’s faces who visit the Farmers Market.  Paint supplies provided.

Market Entertainment When needed: one session each week at 4:30. What to do: People and/or business with some talent in putting on a free demonstration or entertainment session for the Farmers Market crowd, particularly the children.  For example, family-focused yoga session or children’s book reading.

Flyer Distributors When needed: various times through out the summer. What to do: distribute 100-200 flyers to local business and residences to promote the Farmer’s Market.

Contact Shelley at or 647-232-8139.

Art Of The Danforth – Past Tense

Way back when Cindy Rozeboom was trying to secure some grant funding for this pie-in-the-sky idea called Art of the Danforth, the good people at the Toronto Arts Council turned her down because they weren’t convinced this neighbourhood would support it.  (An appeal and letters of support from DECA members and others would persuade the Toronto Arts Council to change it’s mind.)

Almost a year later, after a fabulous week of activities, art, community engagement and, yes, fun, it seems unthinkable that the community wouldn’t get behind this amazing initiative.

There is a long list of people who made this happen – from volunteers and artists to organizers and business owners.  And of course there are the people who participated – whether it was as part of community projects throughout the winter or by walking into shops and checking out the art or taking part in the events that happened over the past week.  Thank you to all for helping make this event such a success.

So, what did you think about this project?  Let’s start a little e-discussion about right here.  Post your impressions on the blog or send them to me and I’ll post them for you.

And for goodness sake, check out the photos that local photogs are sharing on the flickr site.

This and That

This winter our new Home Hardware worked with the East Toronto Climate Action Group (read Mary Margaret McMahon), to promote energy conservation.  Every week, a new tip to save energy, save pollution, and save you money was displayed on their side window with the particular item that was needed.

It was a win-win-win situation because Home Hardware attracted more customers, ETCAG promoted environmental awareness, and you saved money if you took the advice!

Medical Centre Update

The construction of the new medical centre that will be built on the site of the former O’Connor’s funeral home has been delayed.  The centre, with new family health teams, was originally going to open in July, but the city workers strike last summer set them back several months.  DECA has been working with the developer and the City on such things as lighting in the alley, parking and pot holes in the back lane.  Now the developers are hoping to start demolition soon.  It will take two to three weeks and they’re hoping to have demolition done by the end of May.  Not sure yet, when they are planning to be open for business and taking new patients.

Art of the Danforth Storage

You know the fabulously large corrugated plastic items that are decorating our streets right now (the big flowers, the big horse etc)?  The Art of the Danforth needs a place to store them for a while.  Do you have such a place?  If they can’t find storage, they will have to be melted down – which seems a bit of a shame.  If you can help, contact Cindy at

Another Green Cafe is happening on Tuesday, May 11 from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. at 1917 Gerrard St. E. at Glenmore Road.  There will be a free film screening and discussion about climate change, peak oil and challenges in the neighbourhood.  Contact Mary Margaret McMahon for more info or to RSVP at

This Weekend – May 1st & 2nd 2010

There is a lot happening this weekend so take notes and make a plan.

1. DECA Bikes 2nd tune-up workshop is happening this Saturday, May 1st from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Danforth Mennonite Church at 2174 Danforth.  (north side, 1 block east of Woodbine).  Bring your  bike and pay what you can. (Note – there will also be tune-ups at this year’s farmers’ market).

2. Jane’s Walks are walking tours of neighbourhoods and this year there are plenty to choose from.  Look here for a map of walks. Stephen Wickens, a DECA member, is leading a few of the walks around here.  Stephen also provided a lot of the historical background for Real and Barbara Eguchi, the artists behind the Pigeon Paradigm Project for the Art of the Danforth.  This is the series of corrugated plastic cut outs from the ‘Roxy’ Theatre at Greeenwood to the ‘Glue’ and ‘Garden’ at Coxwell and the ‘Power’ at Woodbine – along with all the pigeons you see throughout the art walk.

3. Art of the Danforth wraps up with weekend with a ton of activities, performances and studio tours:

Saturday, May 1st.

All day:  Free Comics Day at Comics & More, 1325 Danforth

10 am – 6 pm @ East Lynn Park
The longest free-standing sculpture in the world, with Jerry Silverberg (family-friendly interactive activity) & Mark Sepic’s Junkestra

12 noon @ Coxwell Public Library – Ghosts of the Danforth (Charlotte Mundy & Patrick Power)

1 & 3 pm @ Coxwell Public Library – The Box Company (David Carbert & Simon Madore)

12 noon – 5 pm @ 1275 Danforth: Graffiti art demonstration by Yannick Bihan – 1275 Danforth

12 – 6 pm: Studio Tours:    Anthony Jim @ 177 Wolverleigh Blvd (Historical Buildings in Pencil), Mark Sepic @ 159 Chisholm Avenue (Backyard Junkestra)

1 – 4 pm: IFA by Gomo George (roaming)

2 pm – Dance demonstrations by the SPACE , 1324 Danforth

3 pm @ 10 Feet Tall, 1381 Danforth – Feeling Good by SOL EXPRESS L’Arche Toronto (dance)

3:30 pm @ Cafe Tangiers, 1385 Danforth – Tales from 1001 Arabian Nights – Family storytelling
in traditional dress by Youssef Bouiahadj and Ismail Fatty

Sunday, May 2nd

12 noon – 6 pm: The Junkestra at East Lynn Park

12 noon – 5pm @ Coxwell Public Library (alternating):  The Box Company (David Carbert & Simon Madore) &  Ghosts of the Danforth (Charlotte Mundy & Patrick Power)

12 noon & 2 pm: Live painting performance by Annie Si-Wing Tung @ 1275 Danforth

12 – 5pm: Studio Tours: Heather Bell Denison @ 48 Woodington Ave (Silverworks);  Anthony Jim @ 177 Wolverleigh Blvd;  Mark Sepic @ 159 Chisholm Avenue

1-4 pm: IFA by Gomo George (roaming)

1 pm – Graffiti art demonstration by Yannick Bihan, 1275 Danforth

2 pm – Dance demonstrations by the SPACE, 1324 Danforth

6-9 pm: Closing night party for artists & friends, LucSculpture Studio 663 Greenwood