Applemania: [ap-uhl mey-nee-uh]
Enthusiasm, often of an extreme and transient nature for the usually round, red or yellow, edible fruit of a small tree.

What better way to celebrate back to school than by cutting apart books?! This week’s crafts are Bookish Star Ornaments. The ornaments can be displayed either as a star or as a
closed book -simply open to reveal the star shape. All the materials will be pre cut, but there is some gluing, and drying patience, involved. Crafts at the market will now start at 4:30 for the remainder of the season. So now you don’t have to cut school to play.
Also, face painting starts at 4:30 p.m.
DECA Elects
DECA is an apolitical organization. In past, we have organized candidates debates for both municipal and provincial election campaigns. This time around, we’ve invited local candidates to visit the East Lynn Farmers’ Market on Thursday, September 22nd. This is an opportunity for you to meet your local candidates and put them on the hot seat with your questions or simply get to know them a little bit. Watch this space to see who will be there and when.
Park People
DECA will be co-hosting a free public event with Park People: Toronto Alliance For Better Parks on Thursday, September 29th at 6 p.m. in East Lynn Park. This will be an opportunity for anyone who has an interest in parks to learn about what DECA is doing about parks in our neighbourhood and what we can learn from other communities.
Park People is a relatively new organization dedicated to improving Toronto’s parks. It advocates for better parks for all communities by facilitating neighbourhood engagement in their parks, building a network of local community park groups, acting as a watchdog on issues affecting parks and highlighting the importance of good parks to the social, health, environmental and economic well being of all residents of Toronto.
Stay tuned for more on this event in the coming weeks.
Last but not least, check out the cool neighbourhood and street parties that people have written about on the blog comment section! If you have a street party to tell us about, post it on the blog or send it to me and I’ll share.