fall food wine & beer, park consultation, and cabaret night!

“A Fall Food Wine & Beer Fundraiser” – Tomorrow! (Monday)

Monday, November 19, 2012, 7:00-11:00 p.m.
Toronto Honda, 2300 Danforth Ave
(416) 819-8764

On Monday, November 19th at 7:00 pm, join your friends at Toronto Honda for a “Fall Food, Wine & Beer Fundraiser” featuring Melanie and Arul from Melanie’s Bistro on the Danforth.

Arul, an award-winning and locally celebrated chef, will demonstrate one of his sumptuous recipes: Braised Veal Shanks and Homemade Mashed Potatoes.

You’ll enjoy recipe samples plus handcrafted, refreshing beer from Mill St. Brewery plus superb and elegant wines from Cave Springs and Treasury Estates Winery.

Doors open at 6:30 pm. We look forward to seeing you for an evening of community, food and festivity!

**All ticket sales ($10.00 each) will be donated to Toronto East General Hospital and matched by Toronto Honda.**

Stephenson Park Consultation this Wednesday!

An Invitation from Councillor Mary-Margaret McMahon for a consultation this Wednesday, November 21, 2012:

Cabaret Night this Friday!

Our friends at Woodbine Heights Baptist Church are hosting a fun-filled Cabaret Night this Friday, November 23, 2012 – see poster below for details:

This Cabaret Night is raising funds for Woodbine Height’s Mission Project which focuses on peacemaking processes in the Philippines. You can read about the project here.


Watch this space in the next couple of days for an AGM re-cap, complete with the announcement of our 2013 DECA Board!

Mark Your Calendars

Lots to tell you about today so I’ll try to keep it short and sweeeeeet.

2011 Penultimate Farmers’ Market – Thursday, Oct 20th

O.k. have you been buying the honey crisp apples?  They’re truly unbelievable, aren’t they? And they’re the size of my head.  Moving on. The farmers will be there tomorrow. The fun will be there tomorrow. But the fabulous face painting and crafts will not be there so forewarn your butterfly princesses and your glittery spidermen that everyone will be back next week for the final (sniff) market of the season.

True Brew – Free Cake! – Until Monday, Oct 24th

Visit the True Brew cafe on the Danforth, just east of Woodbine, from now until Monday, buy a sandwich and get a free piece of cake. Need I say more?

Woodbine Heights Live Auction – Saturday, Oct.22nd 

The Woodbine Heights Baptist Church is hosting a live auction this Saturday with, what I’m sure will be, great deals for great stuff and great services. Food and drink will be served. Tickets are $10 each or 5 for $40. Kids under 12 are free. Woodbine Heights is very active in our neighbourhood. It operates a food bank, offers community meals and advocates for low-income people. The auction is 2:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. 1171 Woodbine at Sammon. For more info, contact woodbineheights(at)gmail.com.

Move Towards Change Walk – Thursday Oct 27th

Families will be walking to raise awareness about preventing child abuse on Thursday, Oct 27th from 4:00 p.m. – 5 p.m. beginning at Teesdale Place at the Lumsden apartments in Crescent Town and walking to the Royal Canadian Legion at 9 Dawes Road where there will be a free event and discussion.

Greenwood Park Fall Festival – Saturday, Oct 29th

The Friends of Greenwood Park (FROG) invite you to enjoy the NEW playground, pumpkin painting and parade, face painting, treats, a magic show, storytelling, a campfire, lion dancers, artisans, music, best pet tricks and races at the off-leash area. How fabulous are the FROG people? Wonderful to see another group of residents throwing parties! The event runs from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. For more info, contact friendsofgreenwoodpark.frog(at)gmail.com

Green Home Fair – Saturday, Oct 29th

Save money and create a healthy home. There will be vendor displays and children’s programs throughout the afternoon. As well, there will be a session on saving energy and money from the Windfall Ecology Centre, a Q&A with Vanessa Farquharson, author of Sleeping Naked is Green and how to create a healthy home for your family and pets by the Zero Point. Bring your used batteries, bulbs and paint to be recycled. It all happens from 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. at the Calvary Baptist Church at 72 Main St., north of Kingston Rd. For more info, contact greeningward32(at)gmail.com or on Facebook and Twitter.

Upper Beaches Tree Tour – Sunday, Oct 30th

Join LEAF (Local Enhancement & Appreciation of Forests) and Councillor Mary-Margaret McMahon for a colourful fall tree tour through Merrill Bridge Park ravine and some quirky species in the neighbourhood. Costumes are highly recommended as is a $5 donation. Register at www.yourleaf.org.

Merrill Park Dog Association ‘Howl-O-Ween’ Party – Sunday, Oct 30th

Speaking of Merrill Park, stay tuned for more information about this event.

DECA Pumpkin Parade – Tuesday, Nov 1st

East Lynn Park, 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Bring your pumpkins, your candles and your cameras. We’ll handle the rest.

Read All The Way To The End And Cast Your Vote For A Crescent Town Youth Centre!

Coleridge Avenue friends proudly show-off the 84 items collected from neighbours on Thanksgiving Monday for donation to the Woodbine Heights Church food bank.

This Week At The Market

I’m 99% certain that it will NOT rain on Thursday afternoon between 3 and 7 p.m. And even if it does rain..what are you – made of sugar? You won’t melt. Get yourself out there and buy some apples already. And while you’re there, you might want to make a darling little bat hat with Melanie in the Kraft Korner starting at 4:30 p.m.

The Art of Wax

If you’re looking for something to do this weekend, why not visit local (she lives on Wolverleigh Blvd) artist, Deanna Hutton, at the Cool East Market where she’ll be showing and selling her encaustic (hot wax) art.

The Art of Wax – Saturday  Oct 15th – 10 a.m.-9 p.m. / Sunday Oct 16th – 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

1390 Danforth between Coxwell and Greenwood on the north side.

Crescent Town Youth Centre

The Children’s Peace Theatre, whose home is in the historic, Massey Goulding Estate at 305 Dawes Road, is working with a number of community organizations to create a new home for an innovative youth centre.

There is already a fantastic youth program including mentoring, leadership, entrepreneurship and community service programs. The problem is all these great programs need a home and a space for the young people in Crescent Town to hang out.

They are trying to win a $150,000 grant from the 2011 Aviva Community Fund. How can you help? All you have to do is go to this website and vote for the youth centre! You can vote 15 times between now and October 19th.

Children's Peace Theatre