Farmers’ Market & Pop-Up Shop Deal of the Week

We’re on vacation this week, so you’ll just have to excuse the combined market and pop-up shop posts.  Once you have a read, you’ll see that they actually fit quite well together.

Farmers’ Market

Here’s another photo from the fabulous market for the photo contest courtesy of Jen.  Thanks, Jen (and mysterious redhead who enjoys peas)!

market Pic

Did you get to check out the T.O. Ceviche Bar last week?  If not, you’re in luck.  They had so much fun in our neighbourhood last week they’re coming back for more.  Lucky us!  Fish tacos, fish kabobs, sweat potato burgers!

This week will also feature celebrity chef Lynn Crawford!  She will be joining Primeridge Pure and making the cheesecake featured in the Ace Bakery cookbook using Stacey’s Grey Rush cream cheese. Stacey just had her baby, so I’m not sure whether we can expect to see her this week.  Congratulations Stacey & family!

chef lynn

And in more farmer news, everyone should test the fresh strawberry smoothies available from O.K. Farms.  Delicious and nutritious!

At 4:30 pm our Silly Goose Kids friends will be making ‘crafty bands’ picture bracelets for all those junior crafters.

Be sure to watch for the roving Yummy Stuff staff handing out free samples at the market this week. You’ll be able to spot them by their white aprons and the crowds of happy people around them. If you haven’t checked out our pop-up shop yet, Thursday is the perfect opportunity. Morag’s shop, right across from East Lynn park, will be open until 8 pm.

Don’t forget to send your best market pictures to events(at)  We’ll repost all the picture at the end of the season and vote on a winner!

Finally, if you’ve seen those Stop Line 9 signs around and wondered what it was all about, come chat with organizers at the market this week.  They’ll be there with information on what is being planned for the oil pipeline and what their concerns are.

The East Lynn Farmer’s Market runs every Thursday from 3-7 p.m. between June 6 – October 17 at East Lynn Park, located on the south side of Danforth Ave, just west of Woodbine Ave. Stay up to date by visiting the new East Lynn Market Facebook page.

Pop Up Deal of the Week

This week’s deal also comes from Yummy Stuff:
Twoonie cupcakes! Cupcakes will be $2 (regularly $2.75) this Thursday to Sunday, Aug. 4.
August’s cupcake of the month is Peach Cobbler–yum!

Yummy Stuff Logo

Yummy Stuff | 1938 Danforth Avenue
Tuesday-Friday 11-7 | Saturday 9-6

Yummy Stuff is a bakery specializing in all things yummy; cupcakes, pies, tarts, cookies, squares and custom cakes. Voted best red velvet cupcakes in the city!

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Dressed up Doggies, Mrs. Darlings, and 54 Division


You know how on Saturday mornings, your dog can sense that you’re not going to work and will therefore give you their best sad eyes that scream “take me with you!”??

Well this Saturday, October 27 from 10:30 a.m. – noon, you get to be doggie parent extraordinaire!  Dress up your pooches and bring them to the Merrill Park Dog Association annual Howl-o-Ween festival! (Because what does a dog love more than dressing up in costume?)

Enjoy the festivities in the park and help raise money for Speaking of Dogs.

* Dog Costume Contest * Mummy Wrap * Poop Toss * Bobbing for Balls * Prizes!!! * Beverages and Snacks * And more…

(Rain Date: Sunday, October 28th)

Click here for more info, or if you might want to volunteer to help out!



Did you pop in to the pop up over the weekend?  Could you feel the buzz?  Well, next weekend, October 27 & 28, a new business will occupy the space at 1948 Danforth.  Yet again our neighbourhood has a chance to show landlords and businesses how willing we are to show up, shop local, and renew East Danforth. 

Many of you already know Mrs. Darling from the craft tent at the East Lynn Farmers’ Market, but just wait until you see what she can do with a whole store for two full days! See below for more details. Note that some activities require advance registration, so plan ahead to avoid disappointment!

Pop up What??

A one-weekend only, temporary studio where young creatives 4-14 can explore many mediums and material in workshop format. 20 participant to a class and 4 facilitators to help imagination became reality. Jewelry making, paper crafts, edible art, DIY, paper mache, fibre arts, group art, upcycling and re purposing – they will learn that they can create something beautiful from almost anything. There are also two drop in studio times where craft ideas and materials are ready to go, and families could mingle, create and play together.

Saturday, October 27, 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m

9am-12pm   Drop in. Animal masks, all ages. Duct tape wallets and flower accessories with Martina Rocks!  Best for ages 8+. ($10 for both activities) Group canvas in honour of Stella Bruner Methven. (Free)

1-2pm     Paper mache taxidermy, Narwhals. Best for ages 6+. (pre-registration required, click here). ($15)

2-3pm     Framed silhouettes (pre-registration required, click here). ($15)

3-4pm     Chanel inspired Peter Pan collar necklace and graffiti bracelets (pre-registration required, click here). Necklace best for ages 8+. ($15)

4-6pm     Wooden spoon puppets. Dramatic story time (pre-registration required, click here). ($15)

Sunday, October 28, 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m

9am-12pm  Drop in. Fantasy make overs! Fairies, princesses, pirates and super heroes oh my! Wear your favorite alter ego costume and make, new accessory and get a little hair and “make-up” done. ($10)

1-2pm    Glittered tee shirts (pre-registration required, click here). Best for ages 5+ ($15)

2-3pm    Mini monster and bunny stuffies (pre-registration required, click here).($15)

3-4pm    Candy sushi to eat and candy bracelets to wear (pre-registration required, click here). ($15)

4-6pm    Dress up and dramatic story time. Play and be silly while acting out a favorite children’s story (pre-registration required, click here). ($15)

Mrs. Darlings Imaginarium for Girls and Boys – A place to play with art and discover the art of play. To explore, make believe, and follow where ever their imaginations take them. Mrs. Darling encourages the inspired magic with drop in times, where children and their parents can mingle and create, with facilitators to guide and encourage, as well as classes for more elaborate projects and intimate instruction. 

54 Gets Friendly on Facebook
As you  may know, there are ongoing discussions about possibly closing 54 Division. To keep updated about news and events, please join the new Friends of 54 Division facebook group.

Reminder: Pop-Up Sunday

People are loving Day 1 of the DECA Pop-Up Shop.  Here are a few pictures. If you missed it or if you have some funky people on your Christmas list, it’s open Sunday from 12-6.  Thanks to everyone who showed up today.  Just walking in the door is showing your support for a more vibrant, walkable and safe community.

Pop-Up Shop: Birthia

Hey DECA. It’s me, Natasha.  Remember me?  Well, I’ve hauled my sorry keester out of DECA Diaries retirement for one reason and one reason only.  Because I’m asking you to get off your keester for the first ever, premier,  never-see-before, pioneering DECA pop-up shop.  When? This weekend!

Walk your keester over to 1948 Danforth, conveniently located across from East Lynn Park, and close to a number of local cafes and eateries. If you do that between 12 and 6 this Saturday and Sunday you will find our first fabulous shop: Birthia.


When we put out the call for artists, entrepreneurs and community groups to submit proposals for one of two weekends, we were overwhelmed and absolutely delighted with the more-than-50 applications that came in. Most of them were fantastic. We interviewed four of those who submitted. Osvaldo, who runs the shop, Birthia, was the first person we interviewed. We really loved him and the local products that he sources for his shop.

This pop-up shop is the first of what we expect will be many neighbourhood storefronts that are temporarily occupied by creative enterprises of many kinds. It is our hope that by working with landlords who provide the space, we can provide the vitality that can make these storefronts more attractive to paying tenants and therefore help build the kind of vibrant, walkable neighbourhood that we all want to see. It’s win-win-win.

How can you help?  It’s easy.  All you gotta do is show up. We’ve already done the hard part – and by hard part I mean getting down on hands and knees and scrubbing the floor of this shop until our hands were calloused and sweat was pouring down our foreheads.  So really, showing up, this Saturday and Sunday between 12 and 6 is the very least you could do.

As for next weekend, you can already start signing up to bring your wee ones to Mrs. Darling’s Imaginarium for Girls and Boys. You know Mrs. Darling (a.k.a. Melissa). She’s the one who does the crafts at the Farmers’ Market every week.  She has two full days planned including pre-registered and drop-in programs.