Gledhill Breakfast Club fundraiser – September 13 8-9am

Thanks to Karen Ingham, Breakfast Program Co-ordinator at Gledhill Public School, for passing on this invitation to the Gledhill Breakfast Club fundraiser, Thursday September 13 from 8:00-9:00 a.m.

Research shows that children that eat a healthy breakfast have higher achievement scores, lower rates of absenteeism and increased concentration in the classroom.

At Gledhill Public School, we strive to provide that five days a week with a variety of healthy, delicious food. One of our fundraising goals is to improve our Breakfast facilitieswith the goal of creating a proper kitchen. We would be pleased if you could attend our fundraiser to show your support for this crucial initiative. Every child is welcome and encouraged to be part of the breakfast experience. When you see the enthusiasm of the students and parent volunteers, I am sure you will understand the importance of what we are doing.

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Click here to contact Karen for more info.