Volunteer Meeting Monday, Oct. 5
Remember last year’s amazing Festival of Lights? We packed what seemed like most of the hood into East Lynn Park for a fantastic night of entertainment and lit up the park’s trees.

Our fabulous Fesitival lead, Angela, is back but needs our help to make this year’s event better than ever. You can sign up for a little or a lot–there’s something for whatever amount of time you can spare. Hang some posters, string some lights, hand out some treats.
Angela is holding the one and only meeting at her place this coming Monday, Oct. 5, 8 pm. RSVP to at Events@DECA.to and she’ll send you the location info. Can’t make the meeting? No problem. Just pick a job from below and claim it by emailing us at Events@DECA.to. Details below courtesy of Angela (who is both efficient like that AND understands that your time is precious).
Lighting Lead: Time Commitment Approx. 10 hours max.
- Attend October 5 meeting to plan the event.
- Work with DECA to secure a team of approx. 10 volunteers to put up holiday lights prior to the event on one weekend in November. It will require a rain date in case of poor weather.
- Attend and manage the light installation on both ends of the park. Approx. 4 hours.
- In the Spring (i.e end of April or early May) work with DECA to secure a team of approx. 10 volunteers to take down the lights and store them in the shed. Approx. 2 hours.
*If anyone is interested in volunteering for the light installation only, you can sign-up now. We need 10 volunteers.
Food Collection & Distribution Lead: Time Commitment Approx. 10 hours max.
- Attend October 5 meeting to plan the event.
- Work with food vendors. Approx. 1 hour
- Pick-up supplies. Approx. 1 hour
- Work with DECA to secure a team of approx. 12 volunteers to set-up and distribute food on the day of the event. It will be 3 volunteers x 2 tents x 2 hours. Each team will be able to sign-up for an hour or two hours to serve.
- Set-up and tear down at the event. Attend and manage the light installation on both ends of the park. Approx. 4 hours.
Poster Hanging: Time Commitment Approx. 2 to 3 hours
- Pick-up approx. 100+ posters and hang them up in stores, parks etc. across the neighbourhood between Monarch and Main in mid-November.
- Coordinate poster hanging helpers (unless you want to do it yourself–think of the exercise opportunity!)
Entertainment Lead: Time Commitment Approx. 6 hours
- Attend October 5 meeting to plan the event.
- Talent has already been booked. On the day of the event you will be the key onsite contact to meet talent and provide directions as required. You will be responsible to ensure talent has whatever they require to perform and that entertainment flows smoothly. Approx. 4 hours.
November 28th (the big day!) – Set-up and Tear Down & Servers
- 2 hours (1 pm to 3 pm) x 6 volunteers – Set-up three tents (2 food/drink and 1 DECA), includes tables, banners and lights.
- 2 hours (6 pm to 8 pm) x 6 volunteers – Tear down three tents and accessories. Do a park clean-up.
- 1 or 2 hour shifts for food/drink servers – 3 volunteers x 2 tents x 2 hours = 12 people
- 10 volunteers for 1 to 2 hour shifts over a 4 hour period to hand lights in November.