Wednesday Update

This week at the market…

In addition to the tasty delights of farm fresh meat, produce and honey (as if that weren’t enough)…

  • Sell out sale – we’re selling off the last of the Klean Kanteens from $5 – $10 and the Simply in Season cookbook $15.
  • Soap-making by Simply By Amanda – local artisan and soap-maker.

Tree Trauma

Speaking of East Lynn Park, you may have noticed that a couple of trees in the park were damaged this winter.  Two Ash trees were vandalized and burned  by people who set the sledding-safety haystacks on fire.  One of those trees is going to be removed and the other will be pruned.  It’s too bad to lose a big beautiful tree in our local park and serves as a reminder that we should all be vigilant about calling the police when we see people in the park doing naughty things.

Tree Tour

Speaking of trees, 13 folks joined in on the LEAF tree tour last week – taking notes and photos and learning more about the trees in our neighbourhood.  A few of them signed up to join DECA Woods – the team of DECA members who are working with U of T to survey our neighbourhood tree canopy and determine how best to keep it strong and healthy.  Want to know more?  Contact Mary-Margaret at

DECA Bikes

Along with some of our DECA Bikers, Gledhill Public School is organizing a bike rally for its students on June 16th and 17th.  Students will take part in a ‘fun-packed’ morning of bike safety and maneuvering exercises as well as signalling, stopping, turning and other safe-biking skills.  Why am I telling you this?  Because if you would like to arrange such a bike rally at your school, DECA Bikes would like to help.

Contact Jamie at, Mary-Margaret at or talk to them at the DECA Bikes booth at the East Lynn Farmers’ Market.  Don’t forget to bring your bike to the market for tune-up help and any matter of biking advice. (Oh and Mary-Margaret wants you to know that you can now get CAA service for your bike.)

DECA Bikes works with a few other east-end bike groups to advocate for biking and tonight (June 9th) that group of East End Cyclists is meeting at the East York Civic Centre at 7 p.m.   Want to know more or get involved?  Go forth to East York Civic Centre and prosper.

Earl Haig Family Resource Centre – Best Ever Garage Sale

This Saturday (June 12th) you’ll want to make your way to the GEHA (Greater Earl Haig Area) for the garage sales supporting the Family Resource Centre at Earl Haig School.

The centre is a drop-in for all families with young children and is a great place for parents and caregivers to go with young children to sing, do activities, visit with other adults and play.  Families on neighbouring streets are raising money to keep the centre open for another year.

The garage sales on Currie, Earl Haig Ave and Hillingdon will begin at 9:30 a.m. and will be followed by a kids’ bike parade at noon.  For more, contact Natlie at

Sports For Kids

First – I notice that Goodlife Fitness is offering free summer memberships for teens 14-17 for July and August during the day.  There is a Goodlife at Coxwell and Gerrard.  There is bike parking inside the club and a bus stop outside the front doors.

Second – If you miss out on the registration (tomorrow) for the City of Toronto summer programs, there is always Jack of Sports – now offering swim and summer camp programs at Monarch Park indoor pool.

Last Day Music Fest

Save the date – Friday, June 25th is the Last Day Music Festival.  This, rock and roll show will take place in the St. Brigid’s school yard (Glebeholme and Woodmount) from 7 – 10 p.m.  And get this?  The bands are seriously good bands – all made up of kids.  Want to see some great music performed by some young people with talent?  The whole thing will be hosted by 102 The Edge’s – Darrin.  Funds raised will go to support outreach projects at St. Brigid’s Catholic Church.

This Weekend – May 1st & 2nd 2010

There is a lot happening this weekend so take notes and make a plan.

1. DECA Bikes 2nd tune-up workshop is happening this Saturday, May 1st from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Danforth Mennonite Church at 2174 Danforth.  (north side, 1 block east of Woodbine).  Bring your  bike and pay what you can. (Note – there will also be tune-ups at this year’s farmers’ market).

2. Jane’s Walks are walking tours of neighbourhoods and this year there are plenty to choose from.  Look here for a map of walks. Stephen Wickens, a DECA member, is leading a few of the walks around here.  Stephen also provided a lot of the historical background for Real and Barbara Eguchi, the artists behind the Pigeon Paradigm Project for the Art of the Danforth.  This is the series of corrugated plastic cut outs from the ‘Roxy’ Theatre at Greeenwood to the ‘Glue’ and ‘Garden’ at Coxwell and the ‘Power’ at Woodbine – along with all the pigeons you see throughout the art walk.

3. Art of the Danforth wraps up with weekend with a ton of activities, performances and studio tours:

Saturday, May 1st.

All day:  Free Comics Day at Comics & More, 1325 Danforth

10 am – 6 pm @ East Lynn Park
The longest free-standing sculpture in the world, with Jerry Silverberg (family-friendly interactive activity) & Mark Sepic’s Junkestra

12 noon @ Coxwell Public Library – Ghosts of the Danforth (Charlotte Mundy & Patrick Power)

1 & 3 pm @ Coxwell Public Library – The Box Company (David Carbert & Simon Madore)

12 noon – 5 pm @ 1275 Danforth: Graffiti art demonstration by Yannick Bihan – 1275 Danforth

12 – 6 pm: Studio Tours:    Anthony Jim @ 177 Wolverleigh Blvd (Historical Buildings in Pencil), Mark Sepic @ 159 Chisholm Avenue (Backyard Junkestra)

1 – 4 pm: IFA by Gomo George (roaming)

2 pm – Dance demonstrations by the SPACE , 1324 Danforth

3 pm @ 10 Feet Tall, 1381 Danforth – Feeling Good by SOL EXPRESS L’Arche Toronto (dance)

3:30 pm @ Cafe Tangiers, 1385 Danforth – Tales from 1001 Arabian Nights – Family storytelling
in traditional dress by Youssef Bouiahadj and Ismail Fatty

Sunday, May 2nd

12 noon – 6 pm: The Junkestra at East Lynn Park

12 noon – 5pm @ Coxwell Public Library (alternating):  The Box Company (David Carbert & Simon Madore) &  Ghosts of the Danforth (Charlotte Mundy & Patrick Power)

12 noon & 2 pm: Live painting performance by Annie Si-Wing Tung @ 1275 Danforth

12 – 5pm: Studio Tours: Heather Bell Denison @ 48 Woodington Ave (Silverworks);  Anthony Jim @ 177 Wolverleigh Blvd;  Mark Sepic @ 159 Chisholm Avenue

1-4 pm: IFA by Gomo George (roaming)

1 pm – Graffiti art demonstration by Yannick Bihan, 1275 Danforth

2 pm – Dance demonstrations by the SPACE, 1324 Danforth

6-9 pm: Closing night party for artists & friends, LucSculpture Studio 663 Greenwood

Green Is The New Black

Community Clean Up Days

T’is the season for community clean ups.  Me and my brood will be at Earl Beatty.  Where will you be?  (A tidbit from me to you: for my son’s last birthday I bought a few long-handled grabbers at Dollarama that would be ideal for picking up litter if you’d rather not bend up and down endlessly.  The young children found them a little difficult to squeeze -though very appealing- but an older child or adult wouldn’t have any trouble.)

You can usually bring your own gloves (though there are usually some available too).  Bags are supplied.  And – in my experience there are usually some treats for your labour.

Saturday, April 24th

Earl Beatty and surrounding streets- 10 a.m. @ the school (Sponsored by the eco-team, the Earl Beatty Community Centre and the school.)

Danforth Avenue – 10 a.m. @ the Coxwell Parkette at Danforth and Coxwell (Sponosred by the Danforth Mosaic BIA)

Taylor Creek – 11 a.m. @ end of Rexleigh Dr.(sponsored by the Taylor Creek Green Group)

Stan Wadlow Skate Park – 1 p.m. @ skate park (sponsored by Team East York Skateboarders)

Keystone Keeners – The neighbours living on Keystone Ave. are hosting their annual Rally in the Alley to clean up the alley and generally have an excuse for a party.  Guess what?  You could do that too.


Every Saturday in April and May the Ecoartvan will be visiting libraries all over town to offer a free hands-on art and environment education program.  The van will be at the S. Walter Steward Library on Saturday, April 24th from 1 – 4 p.m. (170 Memorial Park Ave. – just north of East York Civic Centre).

Topham 10

The Topham Park EcoTeam is trying to get solar panels installed on 10 homes in Ward 31 (north of Danforth).  With a LiveGreen Toronto grant of $50,000, they can offer about $4,500/home to help reduce the costs.  So far they only have two homes and are looking for eight more.  Contact Neil Rankin to learn more at

DECA Bikes!

Who knew there were so many avid cyclists in the neighoburhood?   Saturday, March 27th was our first ever DECA Bikes Tune-Up workshop. Cyclists learned the tricks of the trade for tuning up their bikes, met with other cyclists, and were treated to bicycle shaped cookies and juice all for the low fee of paying what you can.

We knew it was going to be a great day when there was a queue at 11 am!  THANKS to all our dynamite DECA Bikes members for helping out.

Next Tune Up workshop is Saturday, May 1st 11 am – 4 pm. Contact Jamie Thiers for more information or to join DECA BIKES.

Reskilling – Soap Making

The Reskilling workshops DECA & ETCAG (East Toronto Climate Action Group) have been offering since last July have been going gangbusters!

We had to run four soap making classes to meet the demand of keen, sudsy soap makers.  Thanks to the fabulous Amanda Montgomery (Simply by Amanda) and her protégé Jazzy Joanna for all their knowledge.  Look for their products at Better Bulk.

Stay tuned for a beeswax candle making class and a bread making class.