Community Safety Walks
DECA and the Toronto Police Service (TPS) have been working together to plan two community safety walks along Danforth East. We’ll have representation from 55 Division (East and West walk) and 54 Division (West walk). By walking through the community, you’ll have the opportunity to voice your concerns, as well as hear advice from the TPS representatives on how to make our community safer.
Suggestions, please!
Please send us your suggestions for topics the TPS should cover on these walks. Leave a comment on this post, on our Facebook page, Twitter (#DECASafety), or send us an email at (and BTW, did you notice our brand new and much, much shorter website address?
Walk Details
Meet up at the north end of East Lynn park beside the park sign. Feel free to join either walk (or both). We’ll do our best to do some live tweeting of the walks too, for those who can’t make it.
· West Walk: Tuesday June 23rd 7:00-8:30ish, East Lynn to Monarch park
· East Walk: Thursday June 25th 7:00-8:30ish, East Lynn to Main