Danforth Avenue Planning Study – Community Meeting #2 Feb 23, 7pm

Mark your calendars! The second public meeting for the city’s Danforth Avenue Planning Study happens Thursday, February 23rd, 7 p.m. at the Danforth Mennonite Church (north side of Danforth, a block east of Woodbine). DECA’s Visioning Committee, which has for the past three years been advocating and preparing for this study — with help from planners, architects, academics and a community members from many walks of life – urges that you attend this public consultation.

The Avenue Study (Phase 1 from Victoria Park to Coxwell avenues) presents a once-in-50-years opportunity for getting the east end’s main commercial street back on track toward being a lively, safe, vibrant and economically healthy destination.


Many of you will have received this notice in the mail. The purpose of this second community meeting is to introduce the Danforth Avenue Planning Study – Area Profile Report, review and obtain feedback on a draft vision statement and work done to date, and provide an update on key deliverables and study timelines.

DECA’s Visioning Committee developed these five priorities heading into the Danforth Study. What are your future hopes and dreams for the Danforth over the next 50 years? These two photographs show Danforth Ave. looking east from East Lynn Park in 1960 (over 50 years ago), compared to today.


Upcoming events – focus group, fitness party and free classes!

Looking for your chance to tell the City what you think about their plan for traffic congestion?

Looking for a new place close by to work out (where they also have child care!)?

Looking for a fitness or dance class (adult or child) but want to try one first before committing?

All of the above?  Keep reading!  We’ve got you covered.

Event: Feeling Congested? – Tomorrow, October 3, 2013

A note from Councillor Janet Davis’ office:

The City of Toronto Planning Division is currently undertaking consultations related to an update of the transportation policies within the Official Plan. Updating these policies will help the City to deal with congestion on streets, sidewalks, and transit. This consultation process has been branded Feeling Congested? You can visit www.feelingcongested.ca for more information.

As an important stakeholder in Ward 31 Beaches-East York, we would like to invite you to participate in a focus group session to learn about and discuss some of the changes that Toronto City staff are proposing. The event is part of a series of focus groups that are happening in wards across the city.

The session will focus on two things: the concept of developing a transportation network, and a proposed new structure for making decisions around prioritising transportation projects within that network. This structure uses a set of eight criteria that are each broken down into a series of indicators.

You will learn how the criteria have evolved over the course of the Feeling Congested? process, and see how they can be applied differently in order to achieve a variety of outcomes.

In addition, you will be given the opportunity to review and comment on the indicators (or measures) associated with each criterion, and ask questions of staff or Councillor Davis.

Space at this event is limited, so click here to sign up today!

East York Civic Centre (Committee Rm A)
850 Coxwell Avenue
Thursday, October 3, 2013 from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.

BOMB Fitness Opening

Sunday, October 6th
1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
1502 Danforth Avenue (between Monarch Park & Coxwell Avenue)

Free classes, prizes, huge membership discounts, a nutrition stall and a kids area (where the kids can be while parents work out!)

Further details and class timetable can be found at http://www.bombfitness.ca/events.html

Opening Party-1

Pegasus Studio – Free dance, art and fitness classes next week

Try a Class



Don’t forget about the Home Safety Audit tomorrow after the Farmers’ Market – details in yesterday’s post.