Watch Your Mailbox…
As hinted at previously here, we’ve been working away like Santa’s elves on a new Shop Local project and the results are in! Watch your mailbox today for a holiday coupon booklet including deals and featured items from 50 local businesses.
There are tons of great savings from your favourite stores and maybe even a few shops you haven’t discovered yet. For example, did you know that tucked away beside The Wool Mill (who are offering a coupon for 10% off) we have an amazing courier company, A-Way Courier, that provides meaningful employment for people with direct experience with the mental health system? Try them out with a coupon for a free delivery. Or did you know we have a brand new spot for yoga, Ankh Yoga studio, at the corner of Moberly and Danforth? Try a class for $10 with your coupon booklet.
If you don’t receive your copy in the mail, you can print it off here. Please bring your booklet with you when you do your holiday shopping to redeem all the deals. Only 1 coupon per customer, per store.
HUGE thank yous to volunteers Niamh Hill for managing the project and to graphic designers Heather Corbin and Queenie Best for making the booklet look gorgeous.
Watch This Space: Our Newest Pop-up Shop
All the Pop-up Shops are also featured in the coupon booklet (click here for current shop details), including our newest one, jewelry store Zilberschmuck. Located in Yummy Stuff’s old space at 1938 Danforth, Zilberschmuck will be opening this Friday, November 22 (or possibly earlier). The store carries contemporary, Canadian-made jewelry like the beautiful necklace pictured below.

(By the way, if you’re curious about the name and you’re not fluent in German, “Silberschmuck” means “silver jewellery”. The “S” is pronounced as a “Z” sound, so they’ve spelled phonetically.)
1938 Danforth Ave. Tel: 416-871-5885, Tue-Sat 11-6, Sun 12-5
Tonight: Our AGM!
A reminder that our 5th Annual General Meeting and party is tonight, November 18, from 6:30-9:30! Come by Hirut Restaurant, 2050 Danforth Ave, to mingle, hear about upcoming projects and general volunteer opportunities, join/renew your DECA membership ($10/household) and for members to elect the 2014 DECA Board. Why not bring a friend too? After all, it’s going to be a great party.