
DECA Constitution

(revised, October 2015)

Section I – Defining DECA


1. The Danforth East Community Association (DECA) mission is to build a stronger, more vibrant, safe and walkable community, and to empower residents of our neighbourhood through community involvement.


2. DECA’s borders are Main Street (east), Lumsden/Mortimer (north), Monarch Park, (west) and the train tracks (south).

Guiding Principles

• We are non-partisan;
• We are inclusive and respectful of our diverse communities;
• We strive to make our community safe;
• We make efforts to participate in planning that affects this community;
• We encourage revitalization that reflects the values of the neighbourhood;
• We will be a responsive, credible and representative voice for the community;
• We work to protect the natural beauty of the neighbourhood; and,
• We will facilitate the dissemination of important information to the community.

Section II – Membership

  1. Any person or family who lives within the DECA borders may become a member of DECA if they pay the set membership fee. Members who are at least 18 years of age can vote at our Annual General Meeting, and may sit on the DECA Board.
  2. Any member can seek election to the Board at the Annual General Meeting.

Section III – Board


  1. Board members are DECA members in good standing who are elected for a one-year term at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
  2. The Board shall include an elected Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. A Co-Chair or Vice-Chair may also be elected. All of these positions require at least one year prior experience on the DECA Board.
  3. The Board may appoint additional positions by majority vote at any Board meeting during the year. These positions may include Membership, Website, Public Relations.
  4. The Board shall also include Members-at-Large. The total number of Board members must be at least 8, and not more than 12.
  5. Each Board member shall complete at least an average of five hours per month of DECA-related work over the course of the year.
  6. During the course of the year, the Board can pass motions to determine any additional rules for itself for that year. These rules cannot in any way conflict with this Constitution. Where the Constitution is silent on an issue, the Board has jurisdiction.


  1. The Board shall meet a minimum of four (4) times a year.
  2. A quorum at a Board meeting is reached when at least 1/3 of Board members are present and voting.
  3. Motions must have a minimum of 2/3 of votes in order to carry, including abstentions.
  4. Minutes shall be taken at every meeting. Attendance, motion details, presentations, and discussion highlights should all be minuted. Minutes from the previous meeting should be distributed to Board members before each meeting and acceptance of the previous minutes should be the first order of business at each meeting.
  5. All Board meetings are open to DECA members, and non-members at the invitation of a Board member.
  6. The schedule of Board meetings shall be determined at the beginning of the year, and all Board members shall be given notice of the schedule. Reasonable notice shall be provided to all regarding any changes to the pre-determined schedule.
  7. DECA members shall be given reasonable notice of all Board meetings. If needed, the Board can hold in-camera meetings, so long as these meetings are not one of the additional meetings as described in section 3(G) above.

Interim Board Changes

  1. Where a vacancy occurs on the Board during the year, the Board can appoint an interim replacement. Where possible, the Board should provide an opportunity for DECA members to seek appointment.
  2. A Board member (including the Chair) can be asked to resign, but such action requires support by a vote of 3/4 of the Board and can occur for any of the following reasons:
    1. missing three consecutive Board meetings without explanation;
    2. demonstrating a lack of interest in completing required volunteer hours;
    3. having or appearing to have a conflict of interest with the objectives of the DECA; and/or
    4. any behaviour or actions that are disrespectful, offensive or inappropriate, or otherwise disruptive to any Board or DECA member(s) or not in keeping with DECA’s mission and objectives.
  3. For further clarification, a conflict of interest could include: financially benefitting from volunteer role (directly or indirectly); using volunteer role to advance a political agenda; and/or not disclosing relevant business interests/dealings to the Board.
  4. Board members must disclose potential conflict of interest to the Chair, and may be asked to abstain from activities (e.g., discussions, votes, events) to avoid any conflict or appearance of conflict.
  5. A Board member can voluntarily resign at any time to Chair in writing, including by e-mail.

Annual General Meetings

  1. DECA will meet once a year in November for an Annual General Meeting (AGM).
  2. The business to be conducted at each annual general meeting will include:
    • receipt of annual report of the Executive and committee chairpersons;
    • receipt of a report on revenues received, expenses incurred and the financial position; and
    • election of officers, and such other business deemed proper.
  3. DECA members shall be given reasonable notice of the AGM. The Board shall make every effort to publicize the AGM.
  4. Quorum for DECA members at the AGM will be double the number of Board members present.
  5. There will be no voting by proxy at the AGM.

Section IV – Constitution

  1. The Constitution may only be amended at an AGM.
  2. Notice of an amendment must be given to all members 21 days before the meeting.
  3. A majority of two-thirds of voting DECA members in attendance of the meeting is required to change the constitution.

Section V – Records, Finances and Fees

  1. All official records shall be held by the Treasurer and Chair.
  2. The Treasurer shall provide financial reports to the Board at meetings, at least on a quarterly basis. The Board can vote to require any additional reports by the Treasurer during their term.
  3. All minutes from regular Board meetings and general meetings will be distributed to Board members for approval, and made available on request to DECA members.
  4. All financial transactions shall be held at a registered financial institution in the Danforth East area. The withdrawal of funds from this account shall require the simultaneous authority of two of four Executive Officers, signatories that include the Chair and Treasurer and one additional Officer.
  5. The affairs of DECA shall be conducted in keeping with DECA’s goals and principles, and shall not be for the financial gain of its members or any related persons.
  6. In the event of the dissolution of DECA, the accumulated assets of DECA shall be designated for the beautification of the community.
  7. The fee to become a voting member can be adjusted by the a motion at the Annual General Meeting, with 2/3 of the DECA members present voting in favour of the new amount. If the motion fails, the fee shall remain unchanged.
  8. Expenses totalling $500 or more for a project or event must be approved by a majority vote of the Board.
  9. Expenses totalling between $100 and up to $499 for a project or event must be approved in advance by at least two signing officers. Any signing officer can choose refer the decision for full Board approval at their discretion.
  10.  Expenses under $100 can be approved in advance by one Board member.
  11.  A Board member cannot approve their own expenses.