DECA’s Festival of Lights – November 24 from 5-6pm


THIS SATURDAY! Join us for the 7th annual DECA Festival of Lights in East Lynn Park on Saturday, Nov. 24, from 5-6 pm.

We have a stellar line up of entertainment planned:

…all leading up to the grand finale: turning on the lights in the park! We hear that Santa himself will be making another appearance this year for the little folks who’d like to visit the big man in red.

As always, this event is free.  If you can, please bring a non-perishable food item or a donation to Community Centre 55‘s holiday food drive. To add to the good feels, your donation will also qualify you for entry into our prize raffle! 

Thank you to our lead sponsor The Danny: Danforth Mosaic BIA. and to our other generous donors –  MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith, Juliette Fergus, Broker, Trust RealtyThe WorkaroundBMO Bank of Montreal (Woodbine & Danforth), and Celena’s Bakery! Shout out to Angela Wagner from umlaut design for the gorgeous poster.

This event is 100% volunteer-run, so thanks so much to everyone who has helped a lot or a little because it adds up to a whole lot of amazingness.

See you on Saturday!

The Danforth East Community Association (DECA) is a group of neighbours working together to make our neighbourhood better since we formed in 2007. Our events and initiatives are 100% volunteer-run and open to everyone. For more information, visit our website We are always looking for volunteers and new ideas! Membership is $10/household, which helps to support our efforts.

PS – Our AGM and Community Party is next Monday, November 26 from 7-9 at Hirut. Stay tuned for details but save the date!<

This Fri & Sat: EEMP fundraiser, Hirut Hoot, McGregor Fun Fair

Get your sleep now because come Friday, there is non-stop fun going on in Danforth East…

FRIDAY: Local not-for-profit East End Music Project’s TOTALLY AWESOME AND SO MUCH FUN fundraiser is happening at the Jam Factory. Raise money for non-profit music education for East End kids while getting your groove on and listening to fantastic tunes.

Also – registration is now open for EEMP’s September 2015 classes at Secord Public School. Subsidized classes in piano, ukulele, guitar, percussion, and choir offered on a sliding scale based on income. Click here to register.

FB image EEMP

Also on Friday, it’s Hirut Hoot! Before you head to the EEMP fundraiser, get a few laughs in, courtesy of comedians: Tim Blair, Cleve Jones, Gilson Lubin, Matt O’Brien, Arthur Simeon, Lee-Anne Stewart and Winston Spear. Hosted by Kevin MacDonald.

Where: Hirut Fine Ethiopian Cuisine, 2050 Danforth Avenue (at Woodbine), 416 551 7560

When: Friday May 29, 2015  9pm

Cost: $5

SATURDAY: Employ the old “hair of the dog” cure for your fun hangover, and head over to RH McGregor’s (555 Mortimer Ave., south-east corner of Cowell and Mortimer) annual Fun Fair, 11am-2pm.

Featuring fun games, robotic demonstrations, photo-booths, BBQ, lemonade stands and much more.

All proceeds go towards supporting school activities such as field trips, guest speakers, Scientist in the School and safety workshops.  Funds raised provide the staff with the opportunity to plan programs that will enrich and enhance the curriculum that is delivered to the students.



p.s. HAVE FUN!!