During these dull, dreary days of January there is still alot happening in the Danforth East area to lighten your mood. Read all about a local fitness offering, a pop-up outdoor gear sample sale and two photography workshops on the posters below.
Here is a note from Beth of CareerFit Mom with more details on the Karma fitness classes:
Feel good through exercise while also doing good with your donation! Try out a class, fit in a workout during our term turnaround and introduce others to CareerFit Mom classes, all while supporting a great cause!
I am hosting a selection of drop-in classes at oaks ‘n acorns between Jan. 21st and Jan. 31st. My team of instructors and I are donating our time to spread good health and happiness to you, our valued community of exercisers. All class proceeds will be donated to The Neighbourhood Centre which supports local families in need.
Please join us at these super fun workouts – Pay What You Can (suggested donation is $10 at the door) – Pre-Registration is Required and Space is Limited! Register at www.oaksnacorns.com/karma-classes or call the studio to book (416.425.3213)