Dear DECA Diaries,
My name is Natasha Granatstein. Many of us know each other personally, many of us know each other through these blog posts. I wanted to let you know about some changes around the DECA table. Don’t worry we’re not going anywhere. In fact, I think DECA is stronger, more active and engaged than its ever been. We’ve done some terrific things in these last six years…from the farmers’ market to the Business Revitalization Team. From the Danforth East Arts Fair to pumpkin parades and community cocktail parties. We’ve done safety walks and movie nights. We’ve hosted political debates and debates about the ‘big hole.’ And, oh goodness, a whole lot of other stuff.
In that time, I’ve sent out hundreds of blog posts carrying the momentous, the mundane and everything in between.
Six years ago, I would scrape together any old scrap of local news I could find and send it out. Now, we have to be stringent about keeping the information seriously local and there’s more information, news and e-mail than one mere mortal can manage. What a fantastic neighbourhood this is! So, to try and ensure that DECA Diaries is as timely and useful as possible we are expanding the DECA Diaries team. Sheri, Sarah, Shelley and Tara will be keeping you informed of all the local news that’s fit to print. I’ll pop in from time to time with a post or two as well. Of course, as was always the case, you are welcome to contribute. If you have a great local shop that you’d like to write about or something local happening that you want to share, drop us a line. From here on in, please use
One more thing, when we weren’t looking, DECA became an entity with a modicum of credibility. Over the years, our little table has attracted some amazingly smart, interesting, creative and fun volunteers. Getting to know these people has been an absolute joy. It’s also why I’m very proud to tell you that I’ve stepped down as the chair of the Danforth East Community Association. Why proud? Because the incredible people who are joining DECA and volunteering to help have made it possible for me to take more of a backseat role. I’m staying on the executive committee, but letting some people with more energy and creativity sit in the driver’s seat. Anita has been the co-chair since November and will stay on as the Chair. She’s awesome and so is the rest of the bunch. And lately, we never stop hearing from people who want to contribute to their community through DECA.
Thanks everybody, see you around.