Hirut Hoot – Canada Day Weekend Edition

The Ethiopian restaurant near Danforth and Woodbine is becoming a venerable comedy venue. To kick off the Canada Day weekend, Hirut Hoot will feature MTV star Gilson Lubin Friday June 29. Lubin went to school in East York and used to call the neighbourhood home.
“We’re lucky to get Gilson here,” says East York’s Kevin MacDonald, comedian and producer of Hirut Hoot. “I mean, this guy opened for Dave Chapelle. The
Dave Chapelle, not Dave Chapelle from accounting down the hall.” MacDonald is impressed with the Hoot’s appreciative audiences.
“It’s a great deal. You can see professional comics practically in your own backyard for five bucks. Actually, for twenty bucks we’ll bring the show to your
backyard. This stretch of Danforth is happening — I think the rest of the city is catching on.”
MacDonald, along with fellow comedians Ron Sparks, Carolyn Bennett and host Scott McCrickard, have all been nominated for Canadian Comedy Awards. They will also be screening nominated comedy videos. So what makes MacDonald proud to be Canadian? “Doing a comedy show for a happy audience at an Ethiopian restaurant. That says Canada to me.”
Hirut Hoot, Friday June 29
9pm $5
2050 Danforth Avenue (at Woodbine)
Featuring: Ron Sparks, Kevin MacDonald, Brian Hatt, Amanda Day, Carolyn Bennett, Gilson Lubin, Scott McCrickard,
Gledhill Breakfast Club
Join the Gledhill Breakfast Club on June 26th from 8 – 9 a.m. as they try to raise funds to build a full kitchen. The team needs to raise $80,000 to complete construction, wiring, plumbing and cabinetry. On Tuesday, there will be smoothies, quesadillas, scrambled eggs and fruit. It’s pay what you can. Community members run the breakfast club five days a week and provides good food in a welcoming environment for young children. The event will happen at the back of the school near the kindergarten entrance. For more information contact Karen at kingham.gledhill@gmail.com or 416-432-0735.
East Lynn Farmers’ Market Celebrates Five Years
Check out this story from the East York Mirror about our little market growing up. The years go by so fast don’t they? Sniff.
Earl Haig Drop-In Centre
The drop-in centre at Earl Haig is going to close because the school needs the space come September. The space has been open for six years and had been operating on a one-time donation from Canadian Tire along with a few other donations. It looks like the Applegrove space has found another location inside Monarch Park high school but they can’t open unless they come up with $9,000. For many new moms, the centre is the introduction to the neighbourhood and can be their saving grace on a rough day. To support the centre, visit http://www.applegrovecc.ca.
Thai Room
It’s all the talk at Danforth and Woodbine. A new restaurant called the Thai Room is going in and they’re doing some work on the building and putting up a nice sign. Hope springs eternal…