Thank you Pumpkin People for helping make the 2nd annual Pumpkin Parade particularly pretty and perfectly peculiar. And thanks to Ron Grimes for these pics.
Hats off to Heather Bean who couldn’t organize it this year because she was busy having a baby. She did, however, get us started with a very thorough how-to guide. Then Anita Schretlen and Sarah Kiriliuk took that guide and created a community event that was both kick-ass and magical.
Then, of course, there was the fabulous poster, designed once again by Tak Bui. Thank you Tak! And finally, the heroes who showed up after it was all over and hauled all those pumpkins into the pool so the good folks from the City of Toronto could come and pick them up the next morning. Thanks to Melissa Peretti, Jason Pytel, Leo Gonzalez, Paul Haines, Joel Redmond, Beth Binnington and Sean Webb.
Farmers’ Market
Did you know that NOW Magazine voted the East Lynn Farmers’ Market the best farmers’ market for the Danforth area? Well, now you do. Did you also know that Ron Wilford wrote a paper for his course on Local and Global Food Systems about the East Lynn Farmers’ Market? Well he did. I present it here for you reading pleasure. East Lynn Farmers’ Market
Opening and Closing
This neighbouhood has come a long way in terms of getting a decent cup of coffee. We have a ways to go in terms of local pubs, especially now that Ten Feet Tall has closed . If you were a fan of Taps and Tales, you will be interested to know that it is being re-invented by a new owner (Hot House Cafe) as ‘Morgan’s.
The House That Went To The OMB
If you live near Coxwell you, no doubt, remember that this BIG house was the subject of an OMB hearing after the developer continued building even when the City refused his permit applications. Well, he’s apparently (I say apparently because I really don’t know) taken down what needed to be taken down and now has it on the market. How much? Would you believe, almost a cool million?
Earl Beatty and Toronto Star
Word went out this week that ‘hard’ balls such as footballs and soccer balls are now banned from the Earl Beatty school yard. How do I spell kerfuffle anyway?